aptaisa+boiling water= dead


tried the old boiling water trick and i got those suckers.. took a syringe and shot the water at them and they just shriveled
goodbye, good riddens


hmm realy just boiling water and u shoot it at them and they are gone ??
my guess is they will be back please keep me posted


Active Member
Keep an eye on them. They may be down but not quite out yet. Give it a couple days and youll see :) the clear pointy tentacle brownish/purplish kind can be taken care of by peppermint shrimp. i've had several that have. Love it....

the claw

Active Member
I use the method and it works....HOWEVER, I inject it into the aiptasia, and have about 75% successrate. I don't just aim and shoot. The other problem is that sometimes those floating chunks that you see, become little aiptasia.