Aptasia and Boiling Water


Active Member
I have a few of these aweful creatures in my reef tank that I want to get rid of. I've read about using boiling water and injecting the aptasia in the base with a hyperdermic needle.
Has anyone tried that? Did it work? Any suggestions? I've got the needle and the water, just need some guidance.


I need to get off my ass and do this also. I have around 300 and I am not kidding. Some are 1 inch around and 3 inches tall. How well does this work.


I had the same problem. I took the advice of people on the board and purchased some kalk. I mixed the kalk with a little tank water and injected them. Not directly in them but just above them, they died, it was great.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by jumpfrog
Jeremy, where did the get the kalk? Are we talking the normal LFS stuff?

If it's kalkwasser then Mrs wages pickling lime is the same thing.


Active Member
I've used boiling hot water before and it worked fine for me. I took a syringe from one of the test kits, filled it with hot water and squirted them then used the syringe to suck them out. The Kalk will also work.


I had a qt tank set up, pulled out the infected rock, and dumped boiling water on it. no more aptasia. have NOT tried that in my main display tank


Active Member
The syringe I have is a 30 unit diabetic syringe. Will 30 units of boiling water be sufficient?
Kip, should I make the paste the consistency of like toothpaste and just release a little around it's tenticles? Do I need to remove the aptasia or just let it disolve.
I have several in my hawk tank in the office. I don't mind them there as I have no corals. I was thinking to maybe experiment and develop my technique there before tackling the reef.



Originally posted by Kipass4130
no more aptasia... and no more anything else either
if you are worried about boiling water in your tank... 1/2 ml isnt gonna do anything unless you shoot it at the wrong targer :(

Yes, i should point out that the area around the aptasia also went bye bye. I was worried about blasting it in the main tank and having its spores spread even more.