aptasia eating filefish


I brought one yesterday... thinking i still had 200 aptasia in my tank... when i came home from the coral shop they were all gone!!! before i put the filefish in my tank.. a 55 reef tank.. with crabs and everything... and coral... bad move?? please help, if dangerous to my tank i will have to take it out and hope they will let me switch the fish... maybe....

mr. limpid

Active Member
Your story is un clear are the aptasia eating your filefish or are the filefish eating the aptasia? Or were the aptasia gone and now you do not want the filefish? Filefish will eat your crabs, caution on corals. So are the aptasia all gone?


OK....IDK how the 200 aptasia just disappeared.....BUT.....If I have read correctly.....the filefish will starve to death w/o the proper foods....so I would get rid of it if it is not trained to eat foods you can provide it