Aptasia eating Nudibranch


Rumor has it that there is a certain type of Nudibranch that eats aptasia. While I know pepermint shimp, and copper band butterfly's eat aptasia, what kind of nudibranch eats it and how effective are they?
Also, what likes nudibranchs (fish wise) anything to stay away from putting them with?
Are they difficult to keep? One article I read talks about breeding them in glass jars, is it really that simple?
I've tried aptasia away, and it doesn't seem really effective, my tank is being overran by theses little suckers.
http://abusive.net/gallery - Click on Tank pics.


Active Member
and they are not easy to keep, most nudis will eat only ONE food, in therir case, aptaisia, once it is gone, they will starve to death, so give them to somebody else who needs them, they will not eat anything else on the face of this vast planet, NOTHING.
breeding in jars can be odne, the problem is keeping them, you need a constant suppy of aptaisia for them to eat


Thanks Fshhub...
I have quite the supply of the little buggers, one article I read was 1 per 10-20 gallons is that the case? how quickly do they eat the aptasia?
Are they co-existable with Eel's? Or will that be some expensive eel food? My eels don't eat my Crabs as it stands now, I feed them well enough to keep them happy. But he does go for shimp, hence me no having pepermint.
I have a 120G, with ~100lbs of live rock, and CC bed. Sailfin, Foxface, Moray Eel, Zebra (who is very very shy) Moray, Maroon clown, white bubble tip, and a flame hawk, many hermits and snails.


Active Member
peppermint wil NOT always do the job, anyhow
as for the eel, not too sure
and it has been a while since i had researched them, but one per 20 gallons sounds about right