Aptasia in our tank?


New Member
We have Aptasia on our live rock? What can it do that is bad?
We have one Scrimp and it has not ate it yet. What else can we do?


i used 'joe's juice' last week and it worked like a charm in a matter of minutes. it was 10.99 at my LFS.


New Member
why is this stuff so bad? Ive had it in there for about 5 weeks and havent seen a negative impact yet. Is it just harmful to corals or fish to?? I have a peppermint shrimp but hes not eating it.


New Member
Hmm I dont have any coral just FOWLR if anyone else knows what impact this can have please reply


New Member
I made the mistake of leaving one in my tank, I thought no harm also til I saw it leaning at my bubble, my bubble has taken a turn for the worst since that day and I went and got something by Chem-marine and killed it off, the bubble seems to be on the road to recovery
i had one that got pretty big (compared to what it started at) and the way the rocks were placed it took up quite a bit a swiming space.


New Member
Yes, listen to the experts (of which I'm not one) and GET RID OF IT NOW. I've had it for over a year. At first I didn't know what it was. Tried to explain it to LFS and they had no idea what I was talking about. Then it started choking coral so I had the brilliant plan to cut it out with a knife. Within a few days of the aptasia massacre the tank had exploded with aptasia everywhere - growing on rock, sand, glass, coral, even on the shell of a moving crab.
I bought 20 peppermint shrimp who didn't touch it. Bought a copper banded butterfly who died after 4 days from being hassled by the other fish. The second copper band butterfly (somewhat bigger) is now in the tank for a week and hopefully will eat the remnants.
I was ready to get rid of the tank, but last week found out about Joe's Juice, which has restored my hope and love for this hobby. After a couple of treatments, 95%+ is gone, and I'm now down to the hard to reach ones. I'm doing frequent water changes as I used a lot of Joe's Juice, since I had hundreds of these things.
Can't say enough about Joe's Juice. Get it while it's cheap. If I were Joe, I'd triple the price. It kills the small ones instantly. The large ones might take a couple of treatments. It spots up the glass like white paint, but a scraper get it off. In the very heavy treatment areas it left a white film on the rocks, but I'm hoping that comes off with a turkey baster in the next water change.
The aptasia nightmare cost me about 1/3 to 1/2 of my coral, which I'll start restoring as soon as 100% is gone. Thanks to Joe's Juice.


New Member
when i first started my tank i had an aptasia. i thought it was great. i used to feed it and everything. within a month, i had about 100 of them. now i am finding it is difficult to get rid of them. i bought "aptasia stop" it is a liquid that i inject them with. it is hard to inject them cause they suck in when touched but the chemical burns them on contact.


I don't know if it's true, but someone at my LFS said that the aptasia can sting fish as well. We were lucky, we bought a piece of LR & one peppermint shrimp on the same day. After we had the LR in our tank, we noticed aptasia growing on it. Luckily, that one little shrimp took care of it all within 2 days.


I had one large and 2 small aptaisia growing in my tank. I bought 3 peppermeint shrimp, fed them little if anny flake food and in a couple of days, all my aptasia are gone. The key I think is keeping your shrimp hungry.