Aptasia issue


I recently added 30 more lbs of live rock to my 75 gallon FOWLR tank. After researching other threads on this site, I can tell that I have an outbreak of aptasia. I have 2 bigger stalks, and I can see other little ones beginning to pop up that look much like the bigger 2.
Many people say on here how to kill them (hot water in their mouths), and everyone says they are bad for your system. However, no one really explains why they are bad for your system. Can anyone explain that further? They aren't bad looking - kind of look like anenomes. Is it imperative that I get rid of all of these guys?
Thanks for any input. I guess the good news is that I have an outbreak of copepods from the new live rock as well, which everyone here says is a good thing. I'm still learning?


Aiptasia just has a nasty habit of spreading like wild weeds, they can take over your aquarium if left unattended. I also believe they have the ability to sting some coral's. I believe I had one come up between two of my Xenia and were stinging them. I could be wrong, but before killing out the Aipstasia my Xenia were turning white at the stalk that the Aipstasia was touching. I don't really know if that was it or not. But really, they can take over quite quickly. As far as the 'Pods, If nothing else they are a good food source.

sinner's girl

They love bad water. Lfs had some nice size ones. Kinda funny, they were trying to sell them.
Anyway, few years ago we had some, no big deal, didn't really care, I thought they were cool. Bought peppermint shrimp and bye bye aptasia!
Hot water or kalc mix will do it, but sometimes not. Peppermint shrimp worked best. Unless they get out of hand, you don't have to worry about it if you want them.


Active Member
Had some pepps that kept them under control. I had to get rid of the pepps, they munched on my anemone, which is a no no.
2 months later, I had a bad outbreak. They were coming up all over the place. I end up getting Joes Juice. It works great but you have to keep treating. I went and bought some new pepps to get them under control. Tank is balanced once again. I would advise to rid your tank of these guys, more problems then their worth!


I have a fire shrimp in there that hasn't touched them. He's only been in the tank 1 week and stays hidden most of the time, but is there any chance of him coming out and eating them, or is it just a peppermint shrimp delicacy?


the fire shrimp will not eat your aptasia.. you need the peppermint shrimp to do that :)
I have 2 peppermit shrimp, one fire shrimp, and one cleaner in my 75 gallon reef and have had no problem w/ compatibility.