aptasia on LR


I have had an offer from the local university to trade a bare rock from my tank for a rock with coralline algae ALL over it from their tank. But, the tank has aptasia growing all in it. Should I try to get a rock that doesn't have any growing on it or should I avoid even trading at all? The deal sounds too good to pass up. I have heard some Peppermint shrimp will eat aptasia, maybe I could get some to take care of it? What other predator will take care of aptasia?
Any advice would be appreciated!


Active Member
Certain nudibranch such as berghia will eat aiptasia...but once they eat it all...they die...it is ALL they eat. I wouldn't do it if it were me. In time your rock will be covered in coralline algae. I would not add peppermint shrimp to a reef(assuming its a reef), because I've read both good and bad things about them..ie. picking at corals and/or clams.


Active Member
IMO I would only use skunk cleaners..but there are MANY people who have peppermints in a reef with no problems....I just don't like them enough to risk getting one that had an appetite for a coral...