aptasia ??


Active Member
what's the likelyhood of shooting aptasia with joes juice, watching it wither away, only to see it reappear after a week?
well it happened in my tank. now what? did i inherit some kind of aptasia that resilient to joes juice?


join the club, i've had the same issues, i'm hunkered down in a battle with them right now too. I'm going to try lemon juice tonight i'm going to put it in the microwave before hand as well, so hopefully boiling lemon juice will do the trick. Luckly my girlfriend works in the medical industry so i have a syring so i can actually injected it.


i went and got a fire shrimp and it ate about 12 of them in about 20 mins He was a beast.... about 2 weeks later the pepp shrimp ate him....


Active Member
i tried 2 peppermint shrimp, they lasted all of 2 days. my cleaners most likely ate them. i guess i'll try the joes juice again....


Active Member
I found that you have to use enough or the do not die completely. Mine have never come back after I figured this out.


Active Member
Same thing happened to me, shot two of them, pasted them with the stuff. I did kill some palys and zoas, also unidentified sps. The sps is finally coming back, but not the polyps. I think I'll try injecting Kalk this time. Have had success with Kalkwasser or a super saturated salt solution, never tried boiling water or lemon juice. Good luck.


Sometimes after you nuke them, there is a little "goo" left. Wait a little bit after nuking them with joes juice and then try and siphon up any "goo" that is left over. Thats probably why they are returning.


Active Member
well, i shot the 2 of them that returned this afternoon. we'll see if they make a comeback again.
maybe i can frag em and start selling them as indesctructable anemones for the beginner aquarist.