

New Member
I have these aggrevating little anemones popping up. I know there is a medicine you can use, but I also heard you can get a certain kind of shrimp or fish to get rid of these is this true? If so what kind? Thank You


New Member
i know people will say they will kill corals. all i have is one mushroom, several polyps, and a bubble tip anemone. are they in danger?


+1 on the pepermint shrimp but its 50/50 sometimes the y eat some times they dont. if there real big the shrimp wont mess with them. i got rid of mine using a combination of shrimp to control new growth and killed the big ones with kalk paste.


New Member
will aptasia kill my polyps, mushroom coral, or bubble tip anemone? I also have in my tank FOXFACE, SAILFIN TANG, LUNAR WRASSE, YELLOW WATCHMAN GOBY, NIGER TRIGGER, AND YELLOW TAIL DAMSEL. Will any of those be mean towards the peppermint shrimp? Trigger is not aggressive towards any of my fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigspanknasty
well in that case will aptasia kill my polyps, mushroom coral, and BTA? is aptasia that bad of a creature?
Aiptasia will reproduce very quickly, and take up a lot of space in doing so. When aiptasia and the other corals go to compete for space, the aiptasia wins because it has one of the most potent stings out of the anemones. I would recommend Aiptasia-X or some product like that to rid you of them.