

I Think I might have aptasia in my tank. Here is a picture. If anyone knows anything that could help to get rid of it please let me know. Thank you


Peppermint Shrimp work good in eradicating these pests from your system. Just don't get any Camel Shrimp if your trying to eliminate them.



New Member
Joes Juice, add www in front of that...
I cleaned mine out in about 3 minutes this week and it did the trick.
I have never seen my peppermint shrimp get near them and they just kept growing to the point I figured the shrimp wouldn't touch them anyways.


According to a book I have (the simple guide to Marine Aquariums, By Jeffery Kurtz) it says to, try a Kalkwasser injection on each Aiptasia, or you could buy a Copperband Butterfly fish (caution it could eat other inverst also) or it says the safest way is to buy some red-legged hermit crab (dardanus megistos) it says these will devour Aiptasia while being completely inoffensive to the reef aquarium.
Good Luck!


Active Member
I have been told that there are actually 2 different species of peppermint shrimp. One of these will kill aptaisia and the other will ignore it. Fortunately the ones from swf.com worked for me. No problems for close to 2 months!
I have around 10 scarlets and a large maroon-legged hermit crab and they did nothing to the aptasia.


Thanks for the info everyone. I'm surprised it hasn't spread yet. It has been there for awhile i just never knew what it was until I talked to my friend at the lfs and found out they were bad. Thanks again.


My 3 sure fire way to eradicate annoying anenomies!!!!
Meathod #1:
Mix Calc and fresh water. Very high concentrate. I do not like boiling the water since boiling calc/water ruins pans. If you mix the calc with hot water you get a reaction that creates alot of splatter!
Pull this into a syring and stab the anenomie through the oral disc and inject.
Reapeat as necessary!
Meathod #2: My favorite!
Give the little Jerk a head stone! Buy some 2 part putty epoxy to adhear corals inplace. Mix the 2 parts together to creat the silly-putty type stuff that you use to glue corals in place. TOUCH the anenomie so that it shrivels up. Then cover the anenomie with a thin layer of this stuff. Be sure to press ALL edges down. Feel free to write RIP in it! About a week later you can peel off the head stone if you'd like... 'cause there is no pest left!
Meathod #3: The riskiest but affective against larger anenomies!
1st feed the tank very well so no shrimp or fish wants to rob you of food.
2. tools. Turkey baster, calc mix, mysis shrimp, and tweezers.
3. Soak shrimp or other very small fleshy food in very heavy calc mix.
4. have turkey baster ready to suck. You will want to suck up expelled food.
5. Use tweezer to hand feel the problem anenomie the calc'ed food.
6. The anenomie will grab the food like normal and consume it (for half a second)
7. then the pest will try to spit it out... but the tenticales are still sticky and wont let go...
8. watch the anenomie melt!
9. if by chance it does expell any food, suck this food up with turkey baster so no other animal will eat the "poisned" food.
Happy hunting!