Aqua C or Coralife?


I need a new skimmer for my 180G, currently looking at the Aqua C EV series, Euroreef, and now my LFS is recomending the CoralReef Super skimmer?
What is everyone recomending these days?


CSS 220 would work fine if you are not going to overstock your tank. They work awesome on my nano so im guessing that youd be fine


WOW, a LFS actually handing out good advise??? The coralife skimmer is arguably the best "bang-for-the-buck" skimmer out there. Definitely not the best, but $ for $ it's pretty hard to beat.


So if the CSS is so good, and will handle my 180G, why is it SOOO cheap compared to the other manufacturers?
I plan on having SPS and clams in my tank, so will the water quality be good enough with the CSS?


Active Member
The bottom line for a tank that size your shouldn't be honestly looking at best bang for the buck!!!!! Think about hard work and money your going to stock in the tank????? :thinking: Why even contemplate the CSS skimmer when you have quality skimmers you've mentioned like EuroReef and AquaC skimmers......You'll get exactly what you pay for and by no means is the CSS even in the same class or league as the Euro and AquaC. Go against the LFS advice and get a EuroReef or AquaC


Active Member
I use the ss220 on my 180 and all parameters are perfect so far. It pulls an amazing amount of gunk out, and I have a pretty heavy bioload. Have all types of corals lps sps softies and clams and all are doing well...just my .02


Active Member
Never said it wouldn't pull junk, but put the EuroReef, Deltec, BubbleKing, or an MRC skimmer on that same tank and the amount you pull will be more and much more potent!!!!!!


I'm not so much concerned about money, if the Aqua C and Euro are going to be much better for my tank, I'll spend the extra money, But if they are Close, then why not go with the cheaper product?
At this point though I am leaning toward the more expensive models, "You Get What you pay for" typically holds true. Plus i already have a Euroreef that i have been happy with, but it is too small for this tank.


I agree completely, if the money is not an issue (you'll have to tell me your secret) than the Euroreef is the way to go. I believe it is better than the Aqua C.


Active Member
That's my point exactly the AquaC and EuroReef aren't even in the same league as the CSS....I'd put my little G1 up against the CSS and outskim it.......Any takers!!!!! Spend the extra cash and get a quality well tested and proven skimmer which is either the EuroReef or AquaC, because if you put them side by side you'll throw the CSS out of the window.


Active Member
Put a AquaC remora up against a coral super skimmer and I'll bet you everything you own the coralife will skim more and nastier skimate (its true competitor, if you are shopping for a honda civic you dont go to the nissan dealer and compare it to the maxima or walk over to the infiniti's you compare it to the sentra).
A coralife super skimmer is not a direct competitor of a beckett injector MRC or $500 recirc deltec (or AquaC EV series) so I dont know why people see the need to include those for direct comparison. to me it seems more like flattery than discouragement that everytime these names comes up a $120 coralife is always included. Compare apples to apples.
I would be reluctant to put a coralife on a 180g only because if its typical of skimmer ratings (for like priced skimmers) it might not be of capacity for such a large tank as a EV series AquaC would be (which is a competitor of euroreef, MRC ect as if the design and price tag didn't make it obvious enough). The fact that it uses the exact same pump and is only an inch or so taller than the 125g makes me skeptical of the 220 models rating.
why is it that cars, clothes and everything else we buy its acceptable to have various prices and levels of quality/performance to suit different needs but when it comes to skimmers everybody is suppose to want/NEED the $499 euro-reef ect?


Active Member
Your not comparing apples to apples....nobody in their right mind would even consider putting a CSS on a 180 or bigger tank.....Why not step out of this realm and go over to the other board and see how many of the people are using CSS and what they'll tell you???? Don't take my word for it just look at their tanks......
Matter of fact KIP who use to be on the boards here is Tank Of The Month and do alittle research on the equipment


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
The bottom line for a tank that size your shouldn't be honestly looking at best bang for the buck!!!!!
Finally someone who thinks the same way I do on this sort of thing... It never ceases to amaze me how people want to set up these massive tanks and then cheap out on the equipment to run them. Apparently tank size is priority one for many... :thinking:
The first and second rule of reef club spending is: You get what you pay for, and the better your equipment is, the easier your tank will be to maintain, and the more success you will have in keeping livestock.

cmak, I agree 100% with Acrylic. AquaC, Deltec, and Euro Reef are, IMO, the best skimmers money can buy, and a tank your size stocked with thousands of dollars worth of livestock deserves nothing less.
BTW, before everyone blasts me, I'm not saying that cmak is "cheaping it out" in this case, I'm just patting Acrylic on the back for being the only person I've ever seen use the argument he did.


Active Member

Originally Posted by acrylic51
Your not comparing apples to apples....nobody in their right mind would even consider putting a CSS on a 180 or bigger tank
I still dont really disagree here or see where I posted something that conflicted what you said.
isn't that what I said, its not
comparing apples to apples. I said I would be reluctant to use one on that size tank
unrelated to the above comments
I still wouldn't be so confident your G1 will outskim a Coralife 125/220 (G2 and up perhaps). I have search far and wide and the only conclusion I've found in regards to skimming peformance is the CLSS once dialed in performs as well as anything of comparable technology/size (read it skims as good as any comparibly sized non recirculating needle wheel skimmer). I've heard people make the same claims about the turboflotor multi vs CLSS and nothing could be further from the truth. I'm not saying your wrong but you should run them on the same tank before making such absolute statements. The CL detractors are quality of materials and oversensitivity to water level adjustments not its ability to pull out gunk.


New Member
A CSS with a gutterwheel mod on the impeller would be a great choice. Bang for the buck...its the best.