Aqua C question????


Ok, I have had my new Aqua C for about 2 months now. It does great, lots of foam and junk.
BUT, I still get a little trickle of microbubbles in the return. I read the directions and they said this would happen for about 2 weeks for break in period. BUT, it has been over 2 months!
My happy residents don't like the bubbles, any ideas????


sorry about the late reply, thought no one was going to answer.....
it is the HOB Remora.
Not sure why it keeps giving me micro bubbles.


I'm no expert but since your not getting many responses...I have the HOB aquac remora pro mag 3. I have had it 3 months and it makes a lot of microbubbles. I don't think it will ever stop making bubbles. I think it will make a fair amount of bubbles (which fill my tank) always. I've never had any other skimmer and I am told they all make bubbles if their the in tank type as opposed to in a sump. I have had many conversations with the manufacturer, cleaned it, leveled it, made sure the pump was not vibrating on the glass, I don't use any supplements (stress coat etc. ) in the tank. If its a new tank, the bubbles will subside a little after a couple months while the tank breaks in. Other than that, get use to bubbles. You said a trickle of bubbles. I would be happy if I could get down to that. I have alot!


Make sure the water level in your tank is a little bit higher than the bottom of the water return. You're always going to have some bubbles but you want to minimize the amount.


I've only had mine for a little while, but I noticed that it was pretty crazy the first couple of days. But, after that, it was very minimal. I am gonna guess that it probably won't go away completely and will get worst for a little while after your hands are in the water for anything. I had thought about getting that pre/skimmer box which is also supposed to catch the output flow to minimize bubbles in the tank, but it looks too big to look right in a 55. I thought about just taking a small specimen container and glueing a baffle in there, but haven't tried that yet.


I bought the Surface Skimmer and Bubble Eliminater. Does a good job of doing both. Cost about $30 for the Remora with 1200 Maxijet...