aqua c remora question


anybody using the aqua c remora pro with the mag 3 and the surface skimmer? The surface skimmer box seems to be a little large. Does the skimmer work ok without it or does the benefits outweight the size of the box?


I just ordered mine and it will be here on Monday, so I will let you know how it does without the skimmer box. I did not order one because I spent the extra money on the pro version.


Staff member
I did have this skimmer, and pre-skimmer. It is large, but it worked at clearing up that surface slick that tanks sometimes get. By the time, everything crew in, you could hardly see it. It was in a reef tank. It also became a safe haven for snails, pods, brittlestars.


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
In fact, that thread did violate a rule. It was perfectly fine initially, but once people began posting links to competitor sites it came down.
Simple google searches will help you find many sources for what you're looking for.
Since my first thread was deleted because of replies and my second thread was locked, I will reply/expound in a new thread.
I have no problem with SWF running this board. You are a great company with great products and great service.
But to delete a thread because someone posted a link to a competitor that can provide a product that you don't offer is bogus.
Like I said, I mod at several sites and admin a few. We are NEVER afraid of links to competitors. As a matter of fact, we like our patrons to be taken care of. Especially when they offer something we don't. Then we look at how we can fill that void to help our loyal customers.
If we can, we can. If we can't, then we can't. But we have no problem to getting our customers what they want. It only proves that we want the customer taken care of. And we hope that they buy from us because of service.
Mind you, I am not talking about you guys paying for a message board and allowing price comparisons and paying for that bandwidth. I am talking about allowing a customer of yours find out a source for something you don't carry. No harm there and no foul.
If someone from here persuses another site and see things that you offer, so be it. (And I bet most do) We will go to the place we like the best and the best service. Which is If you fear others finding your competitor's site, then you are not doing something right and should assess why someone is looking elsewhere.
Just a business perspective here.
I often refer customers to a competitor that can fulfill their needs. And I have the confidence that they will return to me for the products they know I carry.