Aqua C Remora Question


Active Member
I received my Aqua C Remora today and I have it in my 29 Gal DT. It doesn't come with a lot of visual instructions. I also received the pre-skimmer but I have to relocate my rock to install it
The collection cup comes with a rubber O ring but you can't slide the O ring all the way up (dropping the cup to its lowest position) because before the O ring reaches the top of the collection cup, the bottom of the cup bottoms out on the intake tube. Did I do something wrong?
Thanks, Steve


no you didn't do anything wrong, The collection cup can only go down so far before it bottoms out, which would be for producing very wet skimmate. When you lower the black rubber ring and raise the collection cup you get a very dry muddy skimmate. It's up to you how you would like the skimmer to produce wet or dry


Active Member

Originally Posted by nycbob
that preskimmer in a 29 is big!
I purchased the preskimmer because of recommendations from this site. It is supposed to cut down on the bubbles. The Aqua C is advertised for between 20 and 70 gallons.
Thanks, Steve


Along the lines of the questions, how close to the surface do you put the skimmer? I find that it makes a good bit of noise (like it's not getting enough water) if I put the slots to high up, but when I put it down it doesn't seem to get all of the 'slick' off the water surface but it is much quieter. The instructions for the skimmer box don't give much detail at all. Great product, very poor documentation.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by dinki
Along the lines of the questions, how close to the surface do you put the skimmer? I find that it makes a good bit of noise (like it's not getting enough water) if I put the slots to high up, but when I put it down it doesn't seem to get all of the 'slick' off the water surface but it is much quieter. The instructions for the skimmer box don't give much detail at all. Great product, very poor documentation.
Higher box position=less water intake=noisier pump.
Try to find a happy medium.


That box is BIG. I would just use it without one. I have the nano and it works like a champ. at first it was putting bubbles in the water but it stopped after it broke in. Just give it a little time.


Originally Posted by xeniaman
When you lower the black rubber ring and raise the collection cup you get a very dry muddy skimmate. It's up to you how you would like the skimmer to produce wet or dry
which is better? what are the differences?
i just bought and received the same skimmer and thought the same thing. pretty crappy directions.
and what do you guys mean by changing the skimmer height? doesnt it just sit on the back of the tank? do you mean water level?
sorry im new to this whole thing.


Active Member
Hey Bizz,
They are talking about the preskimmer. I purchased one. It is supposed to cut down on the bubbles. The skimmer itself does seem to cut down on the bubble output as the unit runs. If you purchased the preskimmer it is adjustable. It has two clamps like the skimmer itself. It connects to your powerhead. They recommend that you adjust the preskimmer so that only the slotted part of the preskimmer is below the water line. About 1/2". If you didn't purchase the preskimmer then just ignore the information.
Regards, Steve

The concensus seems to be a drier foam is better.


Originally Posted by metweezer
They recommend that you adjust the preskimmer so that only the slotted part of the preskimmer is below the water line.
What happens when the water level drops due to evaporation? I know I have to top off a lot and concerned about the powerhead not getting enough water and running dry. Does any water come in from the return side?
Again, not much info in the install instructions.


Active Member
If you have the preskimmer, you just adjust it lower on your powerhead so that tank water can enter through the u shaped holes on the preskimmer to allow water to keep your powerhead submerged. If you don't have the preskimmer, then add water immediately. Your tank is 4" low



Yup, I know that part. The thing is, if it skims the surface like it should (ie water coming in at the bottom of the u shaped holes) what happens when the water level drops just below the u shaped holes? Does water from the return side (ie coming up from the sponge at the bottom) enter the side with the power head or will it run dry? I don't know about you guys, but I run an open top and have to top off every other day. I'd hate to run the PH dry and burn it up.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by dinki
Yup, I know that part. The thing is, if it skims the surface like it should (ie water coming in at the bottom of the u shaped holes) what happens when the water level drops just below the u shaped holes? Does water from the return side (ie coming up from the sponge at the bottom) enter the side with the power head or will it run dry? I don't know about you guys, but I run an open top and have to top off every other day. I'd hate to run the PH dry and burn it up.

When the water level drops below the u-shaped holes, the pump will run dry.


I got the Remora last March and I'm not crazy about it. I got rid of a supposedly "junk" SeaClone and got the "great" Remora, but it doesn't show me much. It still puts a few bubbles in the tank, and even though I clean the collection cup daily, it really doesn't pull any more than the Seaclone did. It is a little more quiet.


Active Member
I have had the remora in my tank for 2 days. The O ring is 90% cracked. I can't believe it. Why is everyone raving about this PS


salty blues

Active Member

Originally Posted by metweezer
I have had the remora in my tank for 2 days. The O ring is 90% cracked. I can't believe it. Why is everyone raving about this PS


You can download info about the Remora from the AquaC site. They recommend that you lubricate the o-ring with vaseline. Most all skimmers need time & patience to function properly.


Active Member

Originally Posted by salty blues
You can download info about the Remora from the AquaC site. They recommend that you lubricate the o-ring with vaseline. Most all skimmers need time & patience to function properly.
I have the instruction manual. I read it. It says using a thin coat of vaseline will prevent it from cracking over time. Once again, I repeat 2 DAYS! This is not okay!


Active Member

Originally Posted by salty blues
You can download info about the Remora from the AquaC site. They recommend that you lubricate the o-ring with vaseline. Most all skimmers need time & patience to function properly.
I have the instruction manual. I read it. It says using a thin coat of vaseline will prevent it from cracking over time. Once again, I repeat 2 DAYS! This is not okay!


I can tell you that mine pulls all kinds of junk out my tank. The o-ring is nothing more than a big rubber band. Sucks that yours broke so soon.