Aqua C Remora VS Coralife SS VS CPR Backpack



like the title says, i would like to know all of your experiences with the Coralife SS 65, the Aqua C Remora and the CPR Backpack. i really dont care what size, because they all should work the same, just ones bigger than the other. so if you all would just put the pros and cons of each one, i would greatly appreciate it. thanks


i have the aqua c remora pro and the cpr bak pak 2r. they both work good. the cpr requires constant cleaning and adjusting but works well. obviously the remora outworks the bak pak. just depends what size tank you have.


i have a 28 gallon, also, if the bak pak requires constant adjusting, its not for me


I've got a Remora on my 46gal. It works wonders and most importantly, no adjustments. Just plug the PH in and let her rip. I got the additonal bubble "box" and it has a place for additional filter media. Thought that was cool.


Active Member
for a 28 the remora would be great and the base pump would work fine i have the pro on my 90 with the mag and love it


i had a remora and loved it. great skimmate with minimal adjustments to cup


Active Member
CL pros: learn it (mainly learn to keep the air passages clean and backpressure off the output) and in terms of output it will blow both of those out the water. cost, even with the price increase (only compared to those two overpriced examples otherwise its not the value it used to be. I paid $107 for my CL125. I think its like $170 now)
CL cons: dont learn it or listen (to what makes it overflow and how to keep it from happening) every once in a while you will need a mop.