aqua c remora


my aquac skimmer keeps giving out microbubbles. i kept waiting and waiting but it still produces it. its been 3 months now.
my water parameters are:
salinity: 1.024
PH: 8.2
ammonia: 0
nitritie: 0
nitrate: 5
i have no idea.. it skims well, but it has a downside in producing a ton of bubbles...
any suggestions?


Active Member
Maybe place a sponge in the outflow. My CPR Bak Pak 2 came with one and it reduces the bubbles dramatically. I have never used the Remora but hear its design is similar to the Bak Pak.


ya i thot about the skimmer box, but i think it would make the tank look so ugly..
ill try a sponge.. but i duno if it will work, it may overflow the water in the skimmer..
i may have to live with the microbubbles..
i turned the skimmer off, and my tank looked so clean..
do you think cleaning the skimmer fully can help, or will it start the 2 week cycle of the skimmer again???


i have one in my QT and its microbubble city too. i tried cleaning it. that didnt work. i'm gonna try the sponge tho...


ya everyone boasts about these skimmers, but they fail to mention that it wrecks havoc in your tank by creating bubbles..


Active Member
Cleaning the skimmer completely should not restart the cycle. There should be plenty of beneficial bacteria living in the LR, substrate, walls of the tank, other filters, and even in the water.