Aqua C Urchin Skimmer Question


I recently purchased a used Aqua C Urchin with a maxi jet 1200. My question is, what is the difference between the Acua C Urchin PRO (Mag 3) vs. the Aqua C Urchin (maxi jet 1200)? Is it just the pump size/skimming capacity? Can I convert my used Aqua C Urchin (maxi jet 1200) into an Urchin Pro by changing the pump to a mag 3? If so can I install a mag 5 or 6 for more skimming capacity?


Active Member
Pro is bigger so it has more room for the air & water to mix, producing increased waste removal. That is why it requires the bigger pump. Putting a bigger pump on a smaller skimmer won't get you anything extra, and may decrease it's effectiveness by moving water too quickly through it.