Aqua Pump/Powerhead

aka vicki

New Member
Ok.. so I admit.. I am a newbie.. but like I said b4 I am a CUTE newbie... so with that said... (in hopes that I continue to get awesome answers) I have a Aquapod 30.. with the halogen hooded light.. I have purchased the Rio Aquad powerhead mini 200 just to keep things moving around... so I get it out of the box... I check it out.. no instructions... so I contemplate what to do... the box reads it is fully submersalbe... so I submerse it.. plug it in .. and NADA nothing ZIP... not only am I a newbie.. but I cannot even figure out how to work a pump?!?! Is this a DUH moment? Did I do something wrong? I tiltled it.. I filled it...I did all I could think of b4 coming here ... please dont think I am full of it.. I am dead serious!

aka vicki

New Member
omg I am not the only dork here? I mean.. nobody else knows how to use this thing either? Come on... somebody has to know how... help please!


Active Member
you put it in the water and plug it in. put your finger in front of the output. if you dont feel anything turn the cirular knob on the output if it has one. If still nothing plug something else in the outlet. plug the pump in another outlet. If still nothing send it back.


My Rio worked great the first time (use it to circulate the water when mixing saltwater for water change), the next time couldn't get it working. Submersed it again and shook it around and tapped it on the side of the can and it started working. It so far works everytime I do this. But there is a 1/4 turn valve on the tube coming out, make sure it is in line with the tube.