Aqua Remora Install Question


New Member
So, I unpack this thing and I swear i could have made it in 8th grade shop. Anyways, it does actually look pretty nice. However, their instructions arent very helpful...I bought the one with the drain, but nothing to drain into, ill fix that with some tubing though, not a big deal.
However, I did buy the pre-filter....what am I supposed to do with this thing besides throw it out??? lol
I'm not giving it the most glaring endorsement but its actually quite nice and I did a lot of research into skimmers. A few hours later there was already some foam, yes the bubbles are a lil annoying at first, but I am very happy with it.


Active Member
I dont really see what you're asking.... is it the prefilter? If you bought it.. use it. When I asked about the aquac remora I was told that the prefilter was actually not a recommended buy. It'll help keep some of the bubbles from coming loose into the tank, but in about a month or so that'll be a thing of the past anyways.
Its a good skimmer and I think you'll be happy. Give it about three weeks and you'll like the results im sure. It just has a period that it has to break itself in.
I also agree that it is a very simple machine... very overpriced in my opinion... as are all saltwater items.


New Member
At least many overpriced things have motors or something. I mean, this thing must cost $5 to build. Again though, I think it is a nice peice and I know I picked the right one. Yes, I bought the prefilter. My question was, How do i use it, where does it go and etc, i did some searches and it seems as if its better served in my garbage is all i am saying


Active Member
It should be used to conceal your intake pump to the skimmer. So you'd hang it over the top of your tank and place the pump inside and attach to your pump to the skimmer and you'll be set.


New Member
Originally Posted by Speg
It should be used to conceal your intake pump to the skimmer. So you'd hang it over the top of your tank and place the pump inside and attach to your pump to the skimmer and you'll be set.

Lol, thats the problem...theres nothing to hang it with, and where does the pump go, the sponge side or the other?


Originally Posted by JerseyGuy
where does the pump go, the sponge side or the other?
The pump goes on the completely enclosed side. The sponge side is for the water flowing back into the tank. The water will flow into that side from the skimmer and the sponge will keep microbubbles from getting back into the tank.
The prefilter should have two small plastic flat-ended screws so that it can tighten to the powerhead you are using to pump water into the skimmer.


Active Member
I have had questions on my skimmers in the past and the folks at Aqua C were very helpful and quick to respond to my e-mails.


Staff member
Before you install, be sure to rinse it with all skimmers. The preskimmer actually works pretty good if you have the white skim mess that forms on water surface. It will also significantly reduce any micro bubbles.


I have a remora pro w/ a mag drive and love it--I also have the surface filter attachment, but don't use it because it is HUGE--no kidding it's bigger than most of my rocks and just looks terrible. I used it for a while and didn't notice any better skimmate in the collection cup, so I sold it. It attached using any one of three plastic screws that made contact with the pump, and not the back of the tank. Maybe the other models attach differently.
Anyway, overpriced yes--but I can say with almost total certainty that no other HOB skimmer outperforms it. :joy: :joy: :joy:


New Member
hey guys got a coral life super skimmer that just plain sucks, leaks around the ajustment nob hard to adjust bubbles etc.
thinking of getting a remora c w/the 800 pump (my tank is 46 gal.)
how hard is the remora's to clean? as access to the back of my tank is limited.


Active Member
Originally Posted by texasfish
hey guys got a coral life super skimmer that just plain sucks, leaks around the ajustment nob hard to adjust bubbles etc.
thinking of getting a remora c w/the 800 pump (my tank is 46 gal.)
how hard is the remora's to clean? as access to the back of my tank is limited.
I got mine stuffed half hanging out of the bottom of my stand on my 54 corner bow...But all you need is a few inches to lift the cup out and that's it..


Active Member
I'm getting one UPS to me Wednesday. I got the one with maxi jet 1200. I didn't get the prefilter, should I get one?? The site didn't offer a prefilter with it. I hope it's easy to set up.... :notsure:


I just got a remora as well for my 37g. With everyone raving about it on this site I went for it. Hopefully it will be here by the end of the week.


Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
I didn't get the prefilter, should I get one??
It works better with the prefilter. I'd recommend getting one.