Aqua-Safe RO/DI - Do you have pictures??


Okay, I am almost ready to install the silly thing now. The only part I'm not sure about in the instructions is this:
Clamp the cold water pipe after your shut off and twist the needle in to the soft copper pipe. When it is all the way in, twist it all the way out. Do not---unless a special situation---use this as an on-old valve as the stem will wear out.
What does the last sentence mean?? The part underlined - I have no idea what that is, so I don't know what the sentence means.
Also, it sounds like I use the clamp to pierce the copper pipe, and then twist the needle out and leave it like that?? The feed water comes in that way?


I think your underlined is supposed to say, "do not (unless a special situation) use as an on-off valve... the stem will wear out".


These stupid people. It does say that about using a 1/8" drill bit, but not anywhere near where the part I just quoted and posted.



Originally Posted by forddna
Also, it sounds like I use the clamp to pierce the copper pipe, and then twist the needle out and leave it like that?? The feed water comes in that way?

I do not remember a clamp, but I do know that that needle is only a guide, it is not strong enough to pierce the pipe.
If you are tying this RO into a copper line then after you put the saddle bar around the pipe, then water will flow into your RO unit from that attachment.
YOur blue/white valve will be your on/off.


Originally Posted by forddna
These stupid people. It does say that about using a 1/8" drill bit, but not anywhere near where the part I just quoted and posted.

I though maybe what I wrote was confusing so I tried to rewrite.
But you got it, right?
What I had...
If you are tying it in to a copper water line then you use that "saddle bar".
Are you tying it in to a copper pipe??
I also remember you hafta pierce the pipe with something like a drill bit before you put that attachment on since that needle is not strong enough to pierce the metal. It's meant to be a hole guide, not the instrument used to pierce the pipe.


So, I hooked it all up today. BTW, that needle does pierce the copper pipe. Ask me how I know. (opened valve, water poured But I still opened the hole up to 1/8" and put it all together.
Yay!!! I have ro/di water coming out!!!
Now, when they say ideal flow is 3:1, that is 3 waste for every 1 ro/di "clean" water, right? (I


It is, and that clamp is what I keep calling the saddle bar.
You got it working yay!!
Don't forget to turn it off, lol


My water pressure sucks! I'm getting about 1 gallon per hour. Yes, I'm sure it's because of my water has always been crappy.

I'm going to go watch the grass grow while I wait for my water

P.S. thank you so much for your help!!! You've been a lifesaver!!!


One gallon per hour!!
I have a 5 gallon jug and I hafta set my microwave timer for 90 minutes so I guess I get a little more.
But look at the bright side, you don't hafta buy water for your dispenser (if you have one) anymore!


Shoot, I didn't even think of that. We do have a water cooler. We quit using it because somebody always has to carry the 5g jugs up the stairs to it. Now it's right there!!


Originally Posted by forddna
Shoot, I didn't even think of that. We do have a water cooler. We quit using it because somebody always has to carry the 5g jugs up the stairs to it. Now it's right there!!

Blah! I can't get used to this nasty Florida water. I love everything about living here, except the insurance rates, and the water. I woulda carried it up hill 5 miles...BOTH WAYS, wait, that's something else.
But you know what I mean.


I certainly do!!! I don't drink the tap water at all, except to just pop a vitamin or something.
So I went to Lowe's and got the 44g Brute can. I have the water going into there now, so I'll check on it next week sometime. It might be halfway full by then.