AquaC nano on a biocube


Has anyone put one of these skimmers on there biocube? Just wondered how it worked out. How much you had to cut out and if you put it the first or second chamber. Not really sure if I am going todo this yet or not. I am using the oceanic skimmer right now and well its just not the same. I prefer a little bit more skimming action. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance.


I emailed the people at AquaC and hey said that they have had great success with customers and this. you do have to cut a little off the back to make it fit. Well Then I began to think. How do you open the hood all the way? You would have to take the skimmer off. Anyone else think of doing this. Anyone using anything else in there biocube 14 besides a oceanic skimmer? Any input would be great. Thanks.


I have thought about going open top and getting a sunpod 15.5 in 70w halide and add the skimmer. However that s about a $325 upgrade. For that much on top of my exsisting tank I could get a 28 gall jbj hqi..... Grrr I would hate to setup another tank. Well I guess I am looking ofr suggestions. Thanks.


Take a look at the Saphire Aquatics skimmers. I have one on my 29 BioCube and it works wonders. They also make one for your tank.


I cant find them for sale anywhere. The guy who makes em is having some life trouble I read on another board and isnt mking them right now.


Originally Posted by mojo46825
I cant find them for sale anywhere. The guy who makes em is having some life trouble I read on another board and isnt mking them right now.
I hate to hear that. He is a real nice guy to deal with.