AquaC Remora Pro?


New Member
With mine, the salinity is right between 1.024 and 1.025 on my swing arm hydrometer. I don't have much faith in the thing though. I really want a refractometer. That is a great tip; I didn't know that salinity would affect a skimmer. Since my last post, I've gotten 2 completely full cups of almost clear water in it. I'm not really sure why. I started using Kent Turbo Calcium the same day I hooked up the skimmer, so maybe that is affecting it also. Or like you said, it may be working just like it should. My wife said I'm worrying the thing to death taking the top off every few minutes looking in it. She is probably right. I need to remember the thing about the watched pot never boiling I guess. Anyway, I'm finished dosing with the Turbo Calcium so that should help settle things down. :yes: