Hey guys.. I have a 55 Gallon tank with 2 true percula clowns, 1 six line wrasse that I never see..(Wonder if he's still alive...
) , 8 peppermint shrimp (2 of them are preggos
great snacks for my fishes. and 2 skunk cleaner shrimp. Also, there is a few dozen snails and crabs..
I have a fluval fx5, aquac remora with maxi jet 1200 running in my tank . Also, I have a 2 bulb T-5 lights. My questions is
1) The protein skimmer is releasing a million tiny bubbles in my tank. The user manual say that this is typical and is normal, but my question is, will this is be ok for my fishes? I heard that tiny bubbles can get stuck in their gills/ lungs...etc. I ordered the skimmer box to reduce the tiny bubbles in my tank.
2) I am thinking about setting up a quarantine tank. What size quarantine is sufficient..? 20 Gallons? I am probably going to get a Red Sea Desjardinii tang. He's about 3 inches long. He's been at the LFS for over 3 months... Should I still quarantine him?? Would it be safe to add him into the DT now? I was hoping that I can set up a QT after this guy, because he's probably going to be the largest fish I'll get for this tank... what do you think???
3)IF you were me, would you make any changes to what I have set up now?
I have a fluval fx5, aquac remora with maxi jet 1200 running in my tank . Also, I have a 2 bulb T-5 lights. My questions is
1) The protein skimmer is releasing a million tiny bubbles in my tank. The user manual say that this is typical and is normal, but my question is, will this is be ok for my fishes? I heard that tiny bubbles can get stuck in their gills/ lungs...etc. I ordered the skimmer box to reduce the tiny bubbles in my tank.
2) I am thinking about setting up a quarantine tank. What size quarantine is sufficient..? 20 Gallons? I am probably going to get a Red Sea Desjardinii tang. He's about 3 inches long. He's been at the LFS for over 3 months... Should I still quarantine him?? Would it be safe to add him into the DT now? I was hoping that I can set up a QT after this guy, because he's probably going to be the largest fish I'll get for this tank... what do you think???
3)IF you were me, would you make any changes to what I have set up now?