AquaC Remora


My current fish only tank is pre-drilled and has an overflow that flows down to my sump. I am thinking of starting a new reef tank in a 40 breeder with live rock and the AquaC Remora skimmer (which I have heard is great). The one I want to get is powered by a Maxi-Jet 1200 and would have the pre filter box that helps increase skimming on the surface of the water. Can you have hang-on equipment and still have a glass top on the tank? I know usually the back of the glass tops usually don't fit all the way to the bottom for cords and stuff but the only setup of a hang-on skimmer I have seen in person had no top to it and the skimmer was mounted on the side. Don't I need a glass top if my lighting is not hanging from the ceiling?


Active Member
most glass tops stop about 3 inches from the back of the tank and then have a plastic piece that can be cut to make room fro things like filters.
personaly i never used the plastic piece and had plenty of room for my aqua c. also the inlet for theaqua c also fit very well into the over flow area in my case so that nothing can be seen in the tank.
as a side note upgrade to the mag-drive and the remora pro. you will be very glad you did and it will also be able to move to a bigger tank in the future


I will keep that in mind. Anyone use a hang-on skimmer with a full canopy. I am asking because I am thinking about getting the Coralife Aqualight Pro with has HQI, PCs and lunar lights. It is 15" wide and the tank is 18" wide. I want to use the mounting legs to raise it up off the tank but I am wondering if I can still use a hang-on skimmer and this lighting fixture. Anyone have an idea if this would work?


Glad to see this thread. I just had a cpr refusium/skimmer combo that I was excited about until it would not fit on the back of my tank because my canopy was in the way. My canopy has a wood bar across the back, thin strip at the top, but the skimmer part was in the way, the cup of it. I need to find a skimmer that can sit just off the tank a coupe of inches or the cup be closer down to deal with this issue. I heard the remoraC is a great skimmer also and I am considering this but worried again about its fit.