AquaC remora


I have had an AquaC remora on my 55 gallon FOWLR tank for about 2 months and I am not sure if it is working properly. It foams up very quickly, and that foam quickly turns liquid. Foam then gets forced out of the hole on top of the lid on the collection cup and starts to drip off the skimmer. I have the collection cup as high as it will go and I empty it at least once a day.


when you first start skimming it does this i do not know why. when i first got mine all i would get was light green water, then tar, then foam, then what your getting, then nothing, and now it's been working perfectly for months.


also if you are feeding an oily food like mysis that can sometimes make your foam collapse.


I dont feed any oily foods, just flake and dried seaweed. I filled the tank with tap water, but have topped off and changed with RO water only. I use the stress coat brand dechlorinator... I think... I just ran out and threw away the bottle so i cant remember, I just know it is a yellow bottle.


if your using RO water i dont think you need to dechlorinize it... anyways dont use the stress coat for a week or 2 and see what happens


oh wow I had no idea you didnt need to dechlorinate it. That should save me quite a bit of money in the long run, thanks.


Originally Posted by IamjoshieG
I have had an AquaC remora on my 55 gallon FOWLR tank for about 2 months and I am not sure if it is working properly. It foams up very quickly, and that foam quickly turns liquid. Foam then gets forced out of the hole on top of the lid on the collection cup and starts to drip off the skimmer. I have the collection cup as high as it will go and I empty it at least once a day.
I have the same problem; I understand the general wisdom is to wait a while. But I'm wondering what that little hole is for on the top? Can I put some tape over it or something? I get up to go to work and foam is coming out the top so I empty it. I come home from work, AGAIN foam is coming out the top.


Originally Posted by dpeter51
I have the same problem; I understand the general wisdom is to wait a while. But I'm wondering what that little hole is for on the top? Can I put some tape over it or something? I get up to go to work and foam is coming out the top so I empty it. I come home from work, AGAIN foam is coming out the top.
It is probably a vent for the air.


Active Member
I'm not sure about the remora but the EV-180's collection cup is sealed and vents through the drain line and if you plug it it will stop the skimmer from working properly since the air has no way to exit the skimmer.