AquaC Skimmer and Ozone Use


Am using The Urchin Pro Aqua C skimmer which I believe is simular to the Remora Pro model. Have just gotten an Ozone generator with an intrinsic air pump inside. Is anyone using one of these skimmers with an ozonizer? How would you connect the ozonizer to a skimmer which doesn't have a venturi inlet or an airstone? The folks at AquaC just said that they don't recommend using an ozone generator with their skimmers. With an ozonizer in your sump tank do all the hoses in your system now need to be changed to ozone safe hoses?? Any and all ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
Strange what they said. Their EV series comes with a JG fitting especially for ozone or Ca reactors to attach too. :notsure:
Don't know about attaching ozone to a urchin. Kinda curious about that myself actually.


Yes I was kind of taken by surprise myself since many people suggest using an ozonizer with skimmers and it is a puzzling to me how to best and safely hook up either the Remora or the Urchin. Hopefully someone else will have some experience with this. Wonder also if anyone knows where to purchase ozone reactor chambers if a hookup isn't possible to the skimmer.