AquaC skimmer question


I've had my AquaC for about a year and a half. I noticed the day before yesterday it wasn't skimming very well. I cleaned the cup and put it back in. It wasn't very full at all. Maybe an 1/8th of a inch full. Yesterday I came home to see if it was skimming. Still nothing. No bubbles again either. I took the cup out and looked in. It hardly was producing bubbles below either. I turned it off. I took the screw out and and used the little brush it comes with and cleaned the tube. I also scrubbed around the tube a little. I did not unhook the pump and clean the tube you use to attach the pump to the skimmer. Should I do that as well. All I've ever done to clean is what I've done, but I've never had it stop skimming either. Hopfully, when I get home tonight I'll see some skimming action.


Active Member
Try cleaning the pump you have connected to it... i'd try cleaning EVERY part of it that you're able to.
I just got my Aqua C Remora yesterday.... how long did yours throw bubbles into the tank and make noise?


That's what I was thinking too.
From what I remember it has always made the same noise, but I never thought it was very loud. It's in my bed room and I hardly notice it anymore. As far as bubbles it comes and goes. It will produce for a while, and then stop, then produce more. Seems like a constant cycle. I've never filled the cup. I was nervous when I first bought it. People told me to watch the cup to avoid an over flow. The most it has filled is like a 1/3 of the cup. I clean it once a week or two weeks in some cases. I'm planning to move to a 75 gallon soon. I imagine this will increase my return amount compare to now. What size is your tank? I was told it's good up to 75 or 90 I can't remember which one.


Active Member
The one I have is good up to 75 gallons. I have a 46 gallon... so far VERY little bubbles have spilled out into the cup.. but i've only had it for a day and it claims to need a 1-2 week breaking in process until it functions correctly...
The noise im talking about isnt really loud at all, its just annoying since I do have it in my bedroom with my other 2 tanks and I try to keep everything as quiet as possible for when I sleep :sleepy:.
Either way im very excited about this purchase... I believe it to be a nearly essential part of my already over 3 grand investment...... I really didnt wanna spend another 160 dollars at the moment... but my thoughts were... do I throw away 3000 dollars because I cant afford to spend another 200? :)
Once this skimmer gets working good im going frag crazy! FREE FRAGS FOR EVERYBODY

just kidding!


Yep, I waited a week before I even started watching it. But the noise is there to stay. It took a sort while to get used to the sound. But now I have to have it to sleep, which sucks too. The wife was sick and I slept up stairs. I couldn't fall alseep.
It's definitely a great investment if you ask me.
just kidding![/QUOTE]


i got my new Aqua C Remora Pro Protein Skimnmer 5 days ago , it's normal to hear noises at the very first or second week ..
about the fist guy problem , you need to clean it more often, it gets very dirty every two weeks so clean the cup at least and the whole system every month.
and by the way......IT'S AWESOME best dry good ever....
5 / 5


Active Member
Did you try lowering the cup? My Pro is running a bigger pump but I still need to keep the cup fairly low.
You can place a sponge or foam filter pad under the collection cup in the chamber above the injector nozzle (keep it out of the water) to cut down on some noise. I have also heard that wrapping a towel around the skimmer body will help.


Sorry for the slow response. When I got home later. It was skimming like a champ. I guess I need to clean it more often like Yupi182 was saying. I clean the cup pretty often, but I don't open it up and give it a good cleaning very often. Looks like I nned to add that to my list. It's just so hard to get that plastic screw out of the tube. Anyway, I just wanted to say that did the trick.