I've had my AquaC for about a year and a half. I noticed the day before yesterday it wasn't skimming very well. I cleaned the cup and put it back in. It wasn't very full at all. Maybe an 1/8th of a inch full. Yesterday I came home to see if it was skimming. Still nothing. No bubbles again either. I took the cup out and looked in. It hardly was producing bubbles below either. I turned it off. I took the screw out and and used the little brush it comes with and cleaned the tube. I also scrubbed around the tube a little. I did not unhook the pump and clean the tube you use to attach the pump to the skimmer. Should I do that as well. All I've ever done to clean is what I've done, but I've never had it stop skimming either. Hopfully, when I get home tonight I'll see some skimming action.