How highshould the water level be inside an EV-90. There is a plate about 1" from the top of the chamber (inside). Should the level be adjusted to this plate? Lower?
first if it's new, give it about a month to season.then start with gate valve closed all the way and the air valve open all tha way. then every 4 hours or so open the gate valve about a quarter turn, check for foam production. This might take a few days. I also use the air valve to adjust the dryness of the foam. These skimmers are not plug and play. but, when broken in, will produce tons of skimmate.
the instructions say, 1/2 inch from top of skimmer body, thats the smoked colored part. also, aqua-c has a really good suport hotline if you need more help.
To tell you the truth, I had a really small footprint space in my sump. the only skimmer that would fit was the aqua-c. I have no experience with any other skimmer. i think it works good.