Aquacultured multirock ?


Would the aquacultured multirock be a good starter coral set for a beginner or should I go with a single coral and then add more as time progresses??


Active Member
How old is your tank?
As long as it is cycled it would be a good starter because they are mostly poylps.


Active Member
The multirock would be a good choice to start I think.
All the multirocks that I looked at are all hardy poylps.
Should be fine. :yes:


I have 220W VHO lighting over a 55g (which should be good enough for the corals listed description), 90lbs of base rock, 100lbs southdown, 2 fish (LMB and firefish) a few snails and a lot of bristleworms....
When I receive the multirock, after drip acclimation is it ok to just pick up the rock and place it in the tank or does exposure to air harm the coral? also what temp should I be? I am at 78F now..

salty cheese

Active Member

Originally posted by DoubleZero
When I receive the multirock, after drip acclimation is it ok to just pick up the rock and place it in the tank

Yup. As far as temp goes there many opinions on that subject, I keep mine at 82f. HTH


Thanks Saltycheese,
I will have to start slowly raising my temp I think... I was also wondering if I need to start dosing.. maybe B-ionic??? Do I need to dose for those types of corals on the multirock or is it mainly for calcifying hard corals and coralline algae?


I think the aquacultured multirock will do very well in your tank and is a very good choice for a first coral. I bought one myself. No you dont need to dose Ca... waterchanges will keep you good to go..
good luck...


I have fragged the stuff on the rock... my lights are 4x65W PC... The polyps high in the tank have shorter stalks than those on the floor of the tank... they are growiing and multiplying in both positions but I think those on the top have "better" color... personal preference I guess as they seem to grow equally as well on top and bottom... those on the bottom seem to be atttached to the rock less tightly than those on the top... the ones on top I cant get off the rock without completely mutilating the polyp but those on bottom come off without much trouble... therefore... if you want to seperate them out put them in less light... they will come up easier


Active Member
I dont have any pics up. My tank is bare with some sand a view shells and equipment lol. I am getting my rock this week.


Many of the aquacultured rocks don't look very pretty IMO...unless you get lucky of course. I think that zoos and mushrooms will do well in your tank provided that you care for it.
My .02 is that you just get hand-picked frags of zoos that you're going to enjoy and love...and not whatever comes on the rock. I got a small aquacultured rock and now I'm going to end up tossing it because the colors are just completely mundane...defeats the purpose of a tank with corals imo.


I agree with rbaby to some extent. The polyps that come on the aquacultured multirock are certainly not the BEST... but for $50 the # of polyps and diffferent types is really not too bad a deal... I would say maximize your order and get some snails or hermits too to take advantage of the free shipping....
I would say the multirock is a good deal as sort of the "canary in a coal mine"... Once youve got that down I would completely agree with rbaby....
BUT if you have a friend with some zoos im sure you could get a couple almost free... then that would be a better deal yet.. but I know that everyone doesnt have that option....
good luck and keep us posted


Sammie also has an excellent point. But really, you don't need that many the ratio for the price and polyps is insignificant to me personally because I plan on caring for my zoos and ensuring that they thrive and multiply on their own. In that case, I don't want no ugly brown zoo taking up valuable rockspace ;) lol