AquaFuges Hang-On Refugium

Does anyone have one of these products made by CPR. Just want to know if anyone has any comments about the product. Thinking about getting one.


Staff member
I saw one last weekend. They are extremely tiny! The advantage is, you can hang it onto and run your tank water thru it, if you don't have a sump. If you get one, buy the biggest one they got.


they are tiny but if you can't diy and need a hang on it will work just get the biggest one. But for the price you can make a sump type refugium 4x bigger. Alot of pods will still amke it throught the pumps and you will get more benifit from alot more caulerpa

fish fry

How would you go about making one?
Also how exactly do they operate. Is it an overflow, pumps or are they on the inside of the tank?
Fish Fry

fish fry

How would you go about making one?
Also how exactly do they operate. Is it an overflow, pumps or are they on the inside of the tank?
Fish Fry


They hangon and have a pump to pump h2o into the fuge and overflow back in. Look at one and you will see. If your not good at diy you may end up with a leaky mess


I'm not much of a handy man and did not have any room for a sump or anything else below my 50gal reef so I did purchase the hang on unit from CPR. They are small and expensive but work very well. There is a powerhead which pulls water into the refugium and a syphon which carries it back to the tank. The only problem is they do not come with a light so you will need to attach one yourself. If you lack space under or around your tank, are not a DIY person, and are willing to part with $100+ for a small refugium they are worth it as mine has been up for 3 months now it's full of pods/algae and my trates are at 0 (even with biowheel filtration)


Welcome to the board, What part of Portland are you from? I live in L.O. What store did you buy your refugium from?


Active Member
i have this question posted on the reef tank section...anyways..i'll repeat it here. I can only fit either my prizm or emperor with the cpr aquafuge. Which should I use...the skimmer or filter...i already took out the bio wheel from the filter because of the nitrate problems with that. I would like peoples opinions on which i should keep on the back of the tank because the tank is not very long...36" I believe.


Option 720
I also live in L.O in the mountain park area. I bought the refugium on line for 118.00. pretty happy with it as it's pretty simple and easy and I'm not much of a handyman and plumbing is still a leaky wet mystery to me. I usually go to Upscales locally or Waves but the pricing at Waves is pretty outrageous (though selection is great). Have also gone to Aquarium depot in tigard.


You should also check out Soutas Salt and Reef. It is located over in south east Portland and has a really good selection of corals and fish. they always seem to have differents stuff as opposed to waves and upscales, just be leary of asking ?'s to the older guy, he's kinda cocky.
oh by the way i live right behind Trader Joes in a townhouse.
Take care and see ya around

fish fry

Hey EBeckels,
I too have a 36 inch tank, which I am setting up this week. I am going with the Hang-On Refugium and no skimmer.
I got the large sized on (24 inches, it was about $125 MO. It should get it tomorrow.... :D :D
I believe that with good DSB/LR/Marco Algae a skimmer is not necessary.
Fish Fry


Active Member
sounds good. I am thinking about using an aquaclear 500 as a refugium also...what does anyone think of that?


Active Member
how should I decide if a skimmer is not necesary? Should I leave the skimmer on for a week with the aquafuge and see if anything gets skimmed out?