aquapod 12 gallon to a MINI AGGRESIVE TANK


hey yall im really getting tired of my lil mini reef. its hard my corals are dieing SOME but the very expensive ones so i was wondering if i could take my fish and my shrimp and some of my corals and leave the ones that are good and leave some rock on the floor with the live sand and i was just wanting something simple like a snowflake eel or 1 VERY SMALL panther grouper and when it get to big take it back and get somethin small you no. so holla at me when yall r readin dis. alright thanks your friend Aaron


but i am wondering if i can even do this lil project and if i do can yall give me some names of aggresive fish that i can keep in there. All i want is 1 fish so


hey if i pay shipping can i get the corals that u dont want?
and i cant think of any aggresive fish that could go in there maybe a very very very small frog fish. i wouldnt ever ever ever put a panther even a 2 incher in anything less then a 50 and even then in a few monthes it would have to get out of there.
so like a frogfish is the only thing i can think of but u would have to get it out of there soon like a year or so probly once it hits 4 inches.


sure but thats if i do go into the aggresive side and get out of the reef side. im kind of tired of the reef. you hafe to go to the store by the corals for 30 or more bucks and then i bring them home and some die then aventually they die and you hafe to go back spend some more money just for 1 coral.
pisses me off but thats why i wanna go into the aggresive side not sooo much hastle jjust stick a few rocks in there make a little cave for a eel or whatever and there no corals but i dont mind going back to the store a few months later for another small fish when it grows out know what I mean just stresses me out alot.


hey nate what do u mean help me out with what like how to do this little project i am trying to work on or the corals?


Active Member
im pretty much plannin the same thing as u.. but im wanting to get a 24 nano and make it reef sending everything from my ten reef to it... then turning my 10 into an aggressive tank... i was curious if i could get a dwarf lion in it?


hey i wanna do that 2 put a baby dwarf in there get some of my coral out and put some rock on the floor like 15 pounds


So can yall help me and nYgel out of what kind of fish we can get. i was thinking 1 snowflake eel or 1 dwarf lionfish or w.e but if yall can can yall give us some choices of aggressive fish that we can get for a 10 gallon and a 12 gallon aquapod.
Thank You
your friend Aaron


welp, unfortunately, any lion is out of the question, theres just not enough room. As for the snowflake eel...... ehhh if hes really tiny like 4 inch or so, he could do alright for a while but its still iffy... they get pretty big with time. the only other thing i could think of that might be ok would be some sort of small wrasse.. like a six line or something. Although there not quite as agressive... they are carnivores


hey 120reef if I could get a snowflake eel tinier than 4 inches i would but I dont care if it last less than 3 months ill take it back and just get a new one. That what I wanna do is that ok?


yeah, you could PROBABLY do that. I would still recommend finding one thats in the 4-6 inch range tho.. they grow quickly.


o wait what am i thinking thats small for a ell they cant get any smaller than that lol duhhh AARON jeez im retarted lol sorry but if i do get one what do you think i should have in my 12 gallon with it. I no rocks so it can hide i got all that got the live sand mabey a few corals hear and there like 2 cause i got the xenia stuck to the rock already do you think that well harm it?


as long as you have at least 15-20lbs or more with plenty of caves and what not, you should be fine.. and if your asking if the xenia will be fine with the SF eel, yes he will be fine


ok reefdude im goin to sleep ill catch u l8er in the morning or some time. thanks for helping me out and thats for your time.