aquapod 24 setup


Just got my new aquapod 24 home and I have a few questions to other aquapod owners.What is the bag of white stuff that came in the filter area?I know what the bio balls are that also came with it.Also the overflow has removeable plates.Do I take them all out or leave them in.Last question it also came with two blue filters.Do I run them both or will one do?Thanks in advance.


Well I went ahead and put in my sand and water.I left the stock stuff in for now but I can already see that the stock pump is a pos.What are yall replacing it with?


Originally Posted by kracker
Just got my new aquapod 24 home and I have a few questions to other aquapod owners.What is the bag of white stuff that came in the filter area?I know what the bio balls are that also came with it.Also the overflow has removeable plates.Do I take them all out or leave them in.Last question it also came with two blue filters.Do I run them both or will one do?Thanks in advance.
I have a 24g AP, the white rings are ceramic media (I don't use em), ditto for the bio balls and the blue foam.
I filled the first chamber about half way up with LR rubble, and have run both with all the weirs (little plastic plates) out and all of them in. I prefer them in it seems to help with the surface skim.
I occasionally drop in filter floss and carbon to polish the water.
The stock pump is traded out by most on this forum with a maxi 1200, I haven't done that yet, I use a PH to increase flow.
My pod has been up since May and with the help of this forum and all the great people on here I have had great success. Just remember to take it slow, the rewards are amazing.


Won't the live rock rubble die off in the back chamber without light?I would love to get rid of the blue foam blocks.Also when you say that you prefer all the weirs in are leaving the top grate open?Thanks for the help.


Yes I leave the top grate open. My AP came with one less weir than openings.
As far as the LR rubble, I don't see any problems with ammonia or nitritesand my nitrates always stay below 20 ppm. So I assume it's doing the job


Active Member
I recommend leaving in the bottom 2 grates. It will get the surface skimmed more as tne1cancme said. I have one of the big blue sponges as my filtration, and Im considering adding some LR rubble behind it (if that would be a good idea or not, Im still deciding). Its a pretty good system IMO. I would recommend it to anybody.
One thing I did buy for an upgrade is this weird thing in place for the splitter where the water reenters the DT. I got it at the LFS and havent since been able to find it online. It goes in place of the 2 jets, and extends it across the water surface and adds about 5-6 littler jets and the flow is amazing. It hits the side opposite the jets and comes across the bottom and upwells back up forming quite a good current. Go to your LFS and ask them about it, Im sure theyve seen it before.
And using what I do, my nitrates is almost always under 5 ppm and never have any ammonia or nitrites.


Active Member
kracker said:
Won't the live rock rubble die off in the back chamber without light?QUOTE]
No... it will grow benifical bacteria same as the bio balls will. People light their chambers to similate a refugium type environment, esp if they have chaeto or some other type of macro algea in there. Light will help it grow and also help propogate other types of critters back there but its not a necessity.