Aquapod Fan is too LOUD


Just start up my new 12 gallon Aquapod and holly smokes the fan is loud......... Has anyone else experience this? Did I get the only one like this? Is there a fix if this is common? The tanks is in my living room and is annoying.... Maybe just unwire it? I noticed the cuts for the fan are not totally cut out are yours?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Charliewww
Just start up my new 12 gallon Aquapod and holly smokes the fan is loud......... Has anyone else experience this? Did I get the only one like this? Is there a fix if this is common? The tanks is in my living room and is annoying.... Maybe just unwire it? I noticed the cuts for the fan are not totally cut out are yours?
When my JBJ 24 G fan gets loud I just blow it out with compressed air! Try this!


I will give that a shot tomorrow. I have turned the lights off for the night. I did beat on it alittle and that helped some but not near enough. I will blast it in the morning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Charliewww
I will give that a shot tomorrow. I have turned the lights off for the night. I did beat on it alittle and that helped some but not near enough. I will blast it in the morning.
Yeah mine does that when it gets alot of dust in it!!!!


Didnt work! The tank is brand new. Im wondering if this is the norm or I was the lucky one to get a bum fan. Any 12 gallon aquapoders out there?


Active Member
Unfortunately most components used in the the Aqua pod, or JBJ NAno and other items is bare minimum in quiality or price just to get buy. Every now and then they do manage to get a decent fan or component that is perfect, but its the norm for the most part. I would look into seeing if the fan itself is secure in its mount, and that no dust is built up on it. Ensure its opeing is not obscured (like you stated not fully cut out). If everything checks ok, I wuld ocntact Current USA and tell em its unacceptable, and odds are they will send a replacement fan which may or may not be any better. Current USA is real good abaout taking care of any problems as such. If yu just happen to wind up with yet another noisey fan call em again and complain, or just buy a higher quality replacement fan from an online or local source. This is perhaps the best option, as its not hard to find better fans that what is normally used my manufacturers, and they are not expensive.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Unfortunately most components used in the the Aqua pod, or JBJ NAno and other items is bare minimum in quiality or price just to get buy. Every now and then they do manage to get a decent fan or component that is perfect, but its the norm for the most part. I would look into seeing if the fan itself is secure in its mount, and that no dust is built up on it. Ensure its opeing is not obscured (like you stated not fully cut out). If everything checks ok, I wuld ocntact Current USA and tell em its unacceptable, and odds are they will send a replacement fan which may or may not be any better. Current USA is real good abaout taking care of any problems as such. If yu just happen to wind up with yet another noisey fan call em again and complain, or just buy a higher quality replacement fan from an online or local source. This is perhaps the best option, as its not hard to find better fans that what is normally used my manufacturers, and they are not expensive.
I was affraid that this was the norm. I would prefer to replace the fan with a higher quality / quieter model. Does anyone have any recommendations for what fan? Has anyone replaced theirs?


I have the Aquapod 24G and my fan sounds just fine, I think maybe you were just unlucky with the one you recieve.


Ha ha ha ha ha solved the problem........A piece of TAPE. They left a piece of tape around the fan that was getting pulled into the blades...........Much better but still a little noisey. If someone has replaced their fan and quieted it down, let me know. Thanks


i have had mine for about a week now and at first i thought that the fan was too loud but,, after a while i didnt even notice it anymore,, i dont know if mine is as loud as your but if you are saying it gets loud enough to bother you.. sorry to here yours is bad but good luck with it...


Yeah bummer. I decided to unplug the fan and watch my temps closely. I have a feeling the fan is doing little to nothing....but making noise. I will let you know how my experiment goes. OH its so nice with no fan


As I suspected the fan does little to nothing for cooling the water. With the air temp in the house of a steady 68 degrees my tank from lights off 78.8 degrees to a high temp at the end of the lighting cycle (10hrs) of 81.5 degrees. Good enough for me. And NO NOISE!!!!
A silent aquarium. Im lovin it!!!!!!!! Oh and the temp on the top of the hood did not change either.


New Member
I have a 12g one also. i dont think its that loud? actually its very quiet compared to a fan in the bathroom, or our 75 gallon... see if it is working properly


Originally Posted by nikibunny
I have a 12g one also. i dont think its that loud? actually its very quiet compared to a fan in the bathroom, or our 75 gallon... see if it is working properly
Yes the bath fan is much louder. If you dont need it why listen to it? It probably creates more heat than it gets rid of and the added plus of using less power. An awesome tank but a bad fan design. Im sure the fish are much happier too.


Active Member
I really do not think power consumption or heat addition is an issue with these fans, they darw and consume an extremely tiny amount of power.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
I really do not think power consumption or heat addition is an issue with these fans, they darw and consume an extremely tiny amount of power.
True if they are operating correctly! The more restricted they are the higher amps they begin to pull. Yes you are correct it is a small amount of power. The key here is that is makes NO noise now!!!!!!