Aquapod vs. BioCube - Help!!


I tossing and turning between the Aquapod 25g or a Biocube 30g.
Which has better potential for growing as far as I am concerned. Is the Aquapod for newbie with limited growth potential? Is the Biocube better in the long run for upgrades etc...
Is there another company that I did not mention ??


Worth it in your opinion ?
Or should I just get the 75 gallon , sump , skimmer , stand , light , heater , etc... live rock , live sand etc ...
$2,000 lighter


I like my Biocube 29, but if you can afford to go with the 70g and all the proper equipment and have the room for it, then I'd personally go with the 70g.


I was looking into the all in one type 75 gallon tanks that have the filter in the back of the tank. Not sure about it though. Best bet would be to do it all myself piece by piece but everything adds up real fast


If I were going to do a larger aquarium I'd prefer one that is drilled for the sump and return, that way everything could be hidden in the stand. But that's just my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
biocube is better hands down
check out this site:
and anyways im pretty sure the aquapod is going to cost more in the lond run anyways.

I just checked into a 29 biocube....$259....
This site has aquapod 24 for $229....
Aquapod is better hands down.
I haven't had any problems with mine. If i had to do it over again, i wouldn't get a nano....i would get somthing bigger.


Active Member
looking at it, it's probably worth it.
Its a bigger tank than most nanos, its got a start type package....i.e. salt, substrate, hydrometer, test kit, buffers, sample food. comes with its own power outlet center, build in(i think its build in) skimmer, 24hour programmable timer, and a heater....none of which came with my nano.
not to mention better lighting.


Go with the Biocube. Oceanic has been doing this for quite a while and are known for their quality and customer service. While current USA are known in the aquarium business, they are known for lights, not tanks. The aquapods have also had some electric shock issues.
Now everyone with an aquapod is going to chime in and say "mine has never had any problems".......but do you want to be the one that gets the bad tank??
This is just my opinion and it's worth exactly what you paid for it!! :hilarious


I'm looking at the nanos right now. What about the new JBJ 28 gallon HQI Halide tank? It seems the best to me. I like the closed up canopy so my room will stay darker at night. Light bleeding out of the canopy and lighting up the room is a bummer for me......I'm a little concerned about the heat generated by those lights on the small volume of water.


Active Member
yeah I'm sure heat will be a big problem. They even made room for a chiller... I don't think you want to spend hundreds of dollars to cool down your tank! I love my BioCube and as of lately I have noticed a ton of people on this site use BioCubes... oceanic is a great brand. I upgraded to the sun pod halide and I love it... you aren't going to be leaving it on at night, so it wont keep your room lit up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by steveoutla
The aquapods have also had some electric shock issues.

Never heard that, where did you hear that?



Active Member
there was a recall a little while back for that reason... and some people on here have mentioned getting shocked, but I think they fixed that problem.