Aquapod vs Biocube?


I would be interested to see some people who own both to give some pro and cons about both.
I am going to buy one of them, just not sure yet which one. Ultimately I will be building a 100 - 150 gallon reef. I am certainly not new to the hobby, just took a long break. I was in it when keeping reef tanks was just barely getting started.
I kind of like the Aquapod 12 or 24 HQI system for a Nano Reef. The advances that have been made seem to be awesome with great results.


Anyone want to share their experiences with either brand?
I have read about a Biocube or two leaking??
Does anyone have the Aquapod 24 HQI?


Active Member
I only have a BioCube, but it comes with a good reputation as does the AquaCube. With anything manufactured there will be problems with a few units, but overall both brands are good products with good reputations.
The one major difference and I may be wrong is the BioCube is glass and the AquaCube may be acrylic but I am not positive.
Glass is easier to clean, doesn't scratch, but is heavier, but at 14G or 29G that doesn't mean a lot of weight.
Acrlic is lighter, cleans easy, but scratches easy too. If you have kids that may touch the glass with items other than their fingers, you may want to beware.
If glass or acrylic isn't an issue, then your deciding factor should be lights. Which one has the better light unit should be the backbone of your decision.
Good luck and I hope this helped,


What about a JBJ? Iam thinking about getting a 24 deluxe or the 29 nano.
Does anyone know about these?


Originally Posted by brstwv
Bio Cube
Works great
Does it come with a dancing banana

Thanks for the input so far peeps!! Great stuff!!


Active Member
I think the JBJ has a new one out too... If I had to do it over again i would seriously check into that one. From what i understand its got a protein skimmer, split power head unit, HQI's and if im not mistaken a refugeium too. I remember reading about it here somewhere, it looked sweet. I have the 29 BioCube and although the lights are lacking I love the glass in lieu of plastic. No dancing bannana though......


That's the one I think I want. It's a JBJ nano 24G deluxe with all the bells and whistles. I'd rather a 29G but this new model has everything.


I have the 29g biocube and absolutely love it! I've done filtration modifications but nothing with the lights. They're just fine for me. The upgrades for lighting are just too expensive for this small of a tank IMO.


Active Member
i have an aquapod 24 and love it..very quite and havn't changed anything on it yet and its running great for three months and aquapod is glass not leaks yet...the only thing i wish it had was a factory made refugium add on...but other then tht its great...


New Member
I bought the 14g Biocube, had it for 2 days and on the 3rd day, the fans on the lights stopped working correctly. I've contacted manufacturer twice already about it, but without any success. Fans still don't work properly, which means I can't set up any timers for the lights for fear that the fans will burn out and catch everything on fire. I've had it for 7 weeks - still no luck on getting it to work correctly. but that's just my bad luck I'm sure!!
Has anyone else had any problems?? I'm going to start looking into getting a replacement hood panel or something....


Thanks all!!! I really apprecitate the input!
I did order a 24 gallon Aquapod HQI 150. I bought a beautiful cherry wood stand for it today also. Looks a lot better than the standard Aquapod.
Now to order salt and a refractometer and test supplies. Probably some live sand and I have a couple good sources for LR.
Time to get this project rolling!!!
Also I found a way to get a custom square plexiglass tank. So I am looking into a 120 or 150 with cabinets. They had a beautiful 175 with 1" plexiglass. I would love to have that, a little beyond the budget right now. Need to sell more photos!


Active Member
cool purchase..congrats.... i also have my aquapod on a cherry wood night stand..looks way better then the factory stand...time to get addicted..
..ur already thinkin of upgrading huh..i didn't think of upgrading untill a month into it..but good luck...