

New Member
Hey, I'm pretty new at all this and have some questions.
I'm looking at getting either a 24 gal aquapod or a 12 gal aquapod. The 24 is only $80 more, for twice as much space!
Is this a better idea, or will it be a LOT more expensive in the long run? Or.. on the other hand.. should I just invest in a regular tank?
Do these need heaters? Well.. basically.. what else would I need to buy for one (mechanics-wise) besides what it comes with?
How much live rock/sand will I need?
And for questions about fish...
I want a pair of clowns for sure. What exactly is the difference in the different types? I've looked at maroons, the orange ones (hehe I don't remember the specifics, forgive me.), and seabae (?).
I also am in love with the dwarf fuzzy lionfish. If I were to get the 24 gallon, could I also keep one of these? My LFS said that if I bought the baby dwarf I saw (about 1") and a pair of maroons that were a little bigger, I should be alright. And, well, I wanted to double check with you all.
Starfish: I like them. I'd like to have a brittle star, but wanted to check on all that to see what would work and what wouldn't.
Basically.. I know nothing. :) Any help or suggestions would be very welcome.


Active Member
my advice would be buy the biggest you can afford. 24s are nice, but you can only have a couple small fish, and usually need to upgrade the lights.
maroons get rather large for clowns, and are very aggresive.
I would keep an eye out in the classified section for a tank for sale in your area


New Member
I'm trying, but I'm in college, with no job, just saving money off what the parents give me for allowance so unless I find a great deal on a 55 gal locally.. I don't have enough to get anything bigger.


For sand/substrate depends on what you want to stock when it comes to fish, corals, and inverts, most of us aragonite or some type of sand but diff stocks require diff things.
With a 24 you'll only be able to have 2-3 fish max and that number depends on what size they grow up to be and what fish you want. For example, the lion may have to go alone then you're probably stuck with one fish, though there are others that can go with it the list is much smaller then lets say if you wanted a clown.
By orange clown you mean percula or osc I'm assuming? Then again theres a few orange ones :)


New Member
Haha yes.. yes that's what I meant about orange clowns. :) Couldn't remember the right name.
My plan is to eventually (Possibly within 1-2 years) get a 55 gallon once I've saved up. I was told that the fish would not have outgrown the 24 gallon by then. This could be wrong. If so, correct me please.


New Member
Originally Posted by Lysol
You need at least a 75 for a fuzzy dwarf.
I read Here that it would work out okay.
(Keeping in mind that by the time he's grown he'll be in a 55.


Well-Known Member
I would go for the biggest tank that you could afford at the time. Get a freakin' huge aquarium and forget all of the small aquariums and money spent on them and go big the first time. I wish I did.


New Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
I would go for the biggest tank that you could afford at the time. Get a freakin' huge aquarium and forget all of the small aquariums and money spent on them and go big the first time. I wish I did.
Yeah but I don't have to money to. Which makes me sad, because the "biggest tank I can afford at the time" is looking to be a 24 gal aquapod.


New Member
Thanks!! How much live rock and sand does it require? And do I need a heater or anything? I'm not sure what I need to go with it.


for LR, its 1-1.5 lbs per gallon
yer lookin at 24-36 lbs of live rock. It can be less, but if you decide to add rock in the future you have to be careful to add small amounts of cured LR in order not to start a new cycle and have amonia/nitrite spikes to kill your fish.
This is not from experience, this is just what I understand from reading around, so dont take only my word.
as for sand, click the link. From what I read you need to have either 1 inch orless, or over 5 inches. Nothing in between, so I suggest putting 1 inch as desired depth


New Member
Thank you very much!! I'm thinkin I might as well go ahead and add all the live rock I can during the cycle then? I'd hate to risk losing any fish.


I have a 12g nano and a 55. IMO hold out and see if you can find a 55 in your area on craigs... I know i found a 150g with MH lighs/coral/fish in my area for $500. Had been set up for 3 years and the guy didnt want it in his living room anymore. he said he had over $5000 in it with the 55g sump. Very nice set up. I called him and he told me that he let it go to his neighbor for $300. You should really consider holding out, you can find some great deals out there that make things a whole lot easier on you when everything is already set up for you.


New Member
True.. and I know it might make things harder.. but for me setting my own up is a big deal. I'm strange like that, but it makes it more personal to me.


Gooduck! I know I did mine from scratch and I wish I would have just purchased one from someone who already had it hooked up. With a nano everything you really need is in the box so starting new with that would be fine. As far as a larger tank I think seeing it hooked up and having all the parts already set out in the order you need them is very helpful. After you get it be sure to post pics of everything!


i have a 12g aquapod at school with me and i really like it. As far as extra equipment goes people with the 24g usually upgrade the pump to a maxijet 1200 and you will also need a heater. I have ~15-20lbs of live rock so you will want to go higher than that it also depends on the type of rock. If all you can get is really dense and heavy rock you may need more but i would start with a smaller amount and then judge how much more you will need. If you plan to keep corals keep that in mind because they come attached to rock which definately takes up space so you want to plan for that. For sand I used argonite that comes in the bag at the LFS i think it was 25lbs. I didnt use all of it and the sandbed is 1.5-2in deep. YOu definately want to have some patience and decide what you want for sure before you buy the tank because you don't want to buy something that won't be able to support what you want. As far as clownfish are concerned i have a mated pair of occ. clowns or false perc. These or the true percs would be ok for a nano since the stay small~3in. most starfish probably arent a good choice for a nano but i think i remember reading that brittle stars would be better than others(you'll have to wait for the starfish experts to weigh in here). hope that helps and keep posting questions. Also reaserch a ton ... and be wary of advice from LFS b/c they may be looking for a sale (or really work in another area of the store but are covering the saltwater section like the guy i talked to the other day).


New Member
Thanks guys!! I'll definitely be posting pictures. :)
I'll to ahead and order the maxijet 1200. Do you know what size heater I need?
I do plan on eventually having a few corals, so I'll make sure I leave enough space for more rock. Thanks for the heads up!