Aquarium Actual Nightmares, Normal?


Just wondering if anyone else has nightmares about bad things happening to their tank. Mine last night involved me trying to net a fish that was chasing another one and the waves i made built up enough to crack the glass. Then there was the water damage and the downstairs neighbors, and dead fish...very bad dream


Active Member
Once you're into anything that you put a lot of feeling and thought into you'll find you're gonna have dreams/nightmares about it.
My brother refers to a dream he had as the 'butt plankton'.......................... where he was injected by alien plankton and the only way he could save his wifes life is to administer the treatment of injecting this 'alien plankton' to her.... and the only way he could do this... is by touching his butt to hers :confused:
The real funny part is that his wife said that she felt him push his butt up close to hers
in the middle of the night and was wondering what the heck he was doing!
:sleepy: :happyfish


Active Member
I have a recurring dream that my large Miniatus Grouper has eaten my ex-wife...sorry, that is not a nightmare...a dream with a happy ending. :D


Originally Posted by Speg
Once you're into anything that you put a lot of feeling and thought into you'll find you're gonna have dreams/nightmares about it.
My brother refers to a dream he had as the 'butt plankton'.......................... where he was injected by alien plankton and the only way he could save his wifes life is to administer the treatment of injecting this 'alien plankton' to her.... and the only way he could do this... is by touching his butt to hers :confused:
The real funny part is that his wife said that she felt him push his butt up close to hers
in the middle of the night and was wondering what the heck he was doing!
:sleepy: :happyfish
Funny when you're having dreams as bizzare as that one (sorry, just being honest) at the time they make complete sense. Butt that is one funny dream.


i just woke up (well i guess i didnt sleep so waking up doesnt make sence) in a cold sweat. i supposidly have a venomous sea snake in my tank, and im getting it out today. well all night i was having nightmares about the bugger latching on tomy finger and then at my funeral them talking about me being bit by a 10" snake and dying.
that wouldnt be so bad but i saw the look on my wifes face and then blaming the whole thing om my (helpless and innocent) aquarium.
i woke up still felt freaked out at the deed i need to perform today. well i fell asleep and had another dream about the snake getting out and me seein it slithering into my dughters room, and me chasing it and the door being locked and me busting it down and having to make the split decision to grab it and save her or the alternative(i dont want to write that one down) well i grabbed it and killed it but it bit me first and i died again.
well the last one i went to clean out the tank and looked behind the tank and he was already dead, and shriveled up. im hoping for the third dream to come to fruition.......... hence a sucky night! thanks for the area to post this.


hope that there are no shrinks (therapists) on this site!? we'd all be taking medication for OCD,ADHD, bipolar, and multiple other brain malfunction deformities.
(or maybe just me)


Active Member
I dreamt that my dog was running around with my CBS in her mouth, and it had a human face, It had its little mouth wide open in a scream, and its eyes were full of terror. By the time I got to my dog, the CBS was dead..........

who dey

Active Member
i had a nightmare come true. had my 25 gallon container of ro ready for a change, had a rio 2500 in it. ran out to grab some dinner came back and the pump had detached from suction cups and pumped all the water all over my kitchen and flooded the neighbors down stairs. nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nosliwekim
Funny when you're having dreams as bizzare as that one (sorry, just being honest) at the time they make complete sense. Butt that is one funny dream.
.... >I< did not have this dream! :p My brother... not me..

So far I havent had dreams.. but when I buy a new coral/fish I often awaken SEVERAL times in the middle of the night jumping out of bed to make sure they are still alive... :p


Seeing as how people are already starting to wonder from fish related nightmares to non related ones I'll play too.
Being an avid zombie movie fan I very occationally have related dreams. They usually involve heavy suburban home style warfield prep before the invation. Its always fun planning out the battlefield and making defenses so when they do come swarming we can mow them down...
or maybe i should just stop watching bruce campbell movies and living dead movies
how this relates to aquarium care even escapes my mind...but then again


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
.... >I< did not have this dream! :p My brother... not me..

So far I havent had dreams.. but when I buy a new coral/fish I often awaken SEVERAL times in the middle of the night jumping out of bed to make sure they are still alive... :p

I actually slept on the couch the first 2 nights my clowns were in the tank... :help:
Funny you should mention nightmares, I had my first tank related nightmare last night. I dreamt that I got up in the morning and checked the temperature of my tank and it was sky high!!! Everybody in the tank was fine, but I was freaking!! I started throwing ice cubes in to cool the water, then I remembered that I shouldn't do that, so I fished those out. It suddenly dawned on me in my dream that I could just reset my thermometer. I did that, and we lived happily ever after...ok, not as funny as the butt dream, but it was my first tank related dream, give me time.
Lisa :happyfish


I always have nightmares of my tank cracking and all the water pouring everywhere and the fish all flapping around ..