Aquarium Background


What is the best way to apply a background? I have heard of people using baby oil, is that recommended?


Active Member
Painting is best for a background. I had a plastic background and I used vegetable oil, it didn't work out that great because I had alot of bubbles between the tanik and background but I was also using a background that had been around for a while and was beat up. After awhile I let the coraline grow over the back.


Active Member

Originally posted by dab4u2
I guess you could always just put it on dry and tape it as well?

I've done that before, but just be sure to use enough tape so that salt creep doesn't get between the tank and the background.


I had a backroung with a very subtle color change from black to dark blue, I used the vegie iol thing cause I didn't want to risk all the perfumes and such that come in baby oil. Buy I did have to squeegie the bubbles out. I used a rubber ice scraper.


I used tape but I trimed the top to fit under the trim on the tank, this way no water gets between it and the glass. I also let it hang over the bottom trim so if something does leak it's still easy to clean.


Simply tape it to the outside back of aquarium, just be sure to have it sealed all the way around at the top so you don't get water inbetween it and the glass.


Active Member
What happens in several months when the oil gets rancid?
There has to be some air exposure that happens right?