Aquarium Background.

reef fool

Active Member
I wanted desperately to avoid pianting the back of my 125. I hate those generic backgrouds that the LFS sells, so I found something at HD that worked out nice. They are static window clings. they are designed to give you privacy w/ a nice look in a window. well I put the cloud scene on the back of my tank. Check it out. You just cut them to size, wet the galss, apply the cling and squeegy(SP?) it out w/ a credit card.


oops, must just be the digital camera and lighting. I hope they come up with a marine blue one that will acually look bright vs the ones in the petstore. My color only looks good if it gets wet.

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by jarvis
oops, must just be the digital camera and lighting. I hope they come up with a marine blue one that will acually look bright vs the ones in the petstore. My color only looks good if it gets wet.

I took the picture without flash. The color you see is exactly what it looks like under 440 watts VHO in my tank. The petstore ones only looking good wet is exactly why I hated them. Except for a stray air bubble every once in a while, this looks good. I had it on my old tank for about 4-5 months.

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by c_bell
What dept. of HD did you find that in??? :D :D :D

It is in the same dept. as window blinds.