Aquarium cover


I have a 75 gallon tank (48X18X16). I would like to add a cover to it. Does anyone have any idea on where I could find one. Other than building it, I am not very handy. Thanks in advance.


I use 2 10gal tank glass covers over my 75. I use 1 full 1 on one side then I use the back half for the other side so I have an area to feed and do my WC and testing. That way you never really have to lift any of the glass covers. I do get some evaporation but not as bad. If you have a friend in the glass business alot of times you can get them to cut you a peice off one of there scrap pieces.


Ok, so I have a silly newbie questions and it seems to fit in right here. If you do not have a canopy or hood of any kind on your tank, where do you put the light strip?


You know before I got my canopy I had a "GETO" light set up :D . I actually had part of a gutter that had 2 48" VHO
. It cost me under $5. Ya I was ashame of it but everybody has to start from somewhere. To top it off my tank has the black trim and the gutter lights where white, so it REALLY stand out.


Ya but hey it did get the job done lol. Hate to admit but you know you got to do what you gotta do.