Aquarium equipment


Could you describe the equipment and functions of the equipment? Where are these items located, inside the cabinet (beneath the tank) or inside the tank?
For example: a sump - is it needed in all tanks? If yes, exactly what does it do, and where is it located?
What about Power Heads, skimmers, and whatever else I would absolutely have to have!
Thanks again for the help!


Active Member
Hheheehehe. Where to start where to start.... If you are interested in starting a saltwater tank don't hesitate to pick up a book on it. They are invalualbe in the beginning and there are lots i still use today.
Sump is an extra tank under or hanging on the back of your existing tank. It is seperate in all but the water flow. You can do several things with it such as set up a home for algae to grow or keep your skimmer in their
Skimmers are protein skimmers. The beach is essentially one big protein skimmer. In a sense it creates micro bubbles that collect waste from the water and foam them to the top. In essense when you go to the beach you are swimming the oceans sewage :)
Power heads are just water pumps that move water. Salt water creatures like water movement.
There is no one way to do a tank. I have a freshwater filter and a protein skimmer on my 20 gallon tank. Live rock that grows beneficial bacteria is a filter in saltwater tanks. So as i said try finding a book you like (i like New Marine Aquarium by Michael Paletta/author is at least correct) and read read read.


Thanks BD!
Why would you want to grow algae? Other than foof for some fish and your clean-up crew, I though algae was not goof for an aquarium?
Is the skimmer in the tank, in the sump, or a separate unit altogether?
BTW, you make the beach sound so inviting! Hehe!!!
Thanks again!


There is good and bad algae. The good algae will squeeze out the bad when your tank gets to that level.
You want the good algae (caulerpa is one) in your sump to help keep the nitrates down.
The skimmer can be one of a few types..
there is one that can hang on the back of your tank and uses a pump to bring the water into it and then sends out the cleansed water back into the tank (referred to as a H.O.T)
then there is the type that can sit in your sump. it uses a pump in the same manner. Generally the in sump types are the bigger more expensive rigs.


Javatech, that's an excellent site, very informative and I've marked it as a favorite! Thanks for passing along! It'll make a great reference!


Dzones, that's exactly the answer I needed! I'd prefer nothing hanging from the tank, or at least as little as possible.


I personally have a berlin skimmer that does a real nice job on my 125 reef. I have it in my sump and it came with its own pump. I prefer the kind with a pump so then there is no guesswork involved.
If you have the $$$ then the recommended skimmer by most is the unit by euroreef. very nice but big money for sure.
Good Luck!