aquarium & Noisy Room


New Member
I am thinking of putting a 150 gallon aquarium in my room. I have a bose system for my tv. Its very loud at times. Will this stress the fish, to the point of killing them. I got some books for saltwater aquariums and I am reading about it. Maybe one of you have an aquarium set in a place that is extremly loud at times. Please give me your input. :confused:


I also have a bose setup with my tv which sits a few feet away from my tank. There are also other speakers in the room which run off another amp which get really loud at times too. I havent heard of any problems, but am interested to know as well.


New Member
I don't have an aquarium yet. A few years back i had a freshwater aquarium, but now I am instrested in salt water fish and got some books about them. I hope I can find a few friends in this message board. I am in love with tropical fish, hope I can maintain a tank, its sounds like fun. My main concern was that the room was going to be extremly noisy and my stress the fish. I know that marine fish are delicate. thanks for your reply and hope more people have some input.


If you are going to kill fish by sound, at least you are using the best system-BOSE!!!!!!! I doubt that you stress the fish at all. The best way to answer the question "will the loudness harm my fish?" Is to jump under water during a loud party and see what you hear. It is sugested that fish are much more senitive in their five senses, however having a neighbor kid tap on the glass would by much worse-IMO.


YES YES YES sound will stress the fish and stress can kill your fish. Don't crank that baby up if you will have the tank in the same room. We have two BOSE waves, and they can put out some sound, please be kind to your fish. You will invest a lot of $ in this hobby, a little advice would be to get a book. I got Saltwater for Dummies to get a fast overview now I have bought the concientious (sp) aquarist for a more indapth learning. I read in the DUmmies book that sound will stress and I also read that stress will kill. When I was a young girl in college I had a friend who had more $ than sense, he had a SW tank in his bar and threw big parties. Two days later his tang was belly up. This happened on a regular basis and each time he just replaced the fish, like I said more money than sense.
Good luck,
You will notice that any bar that has an aquarium where there is a lot of noise that they will constantly have new tank inhabitants. The noise wreaks havoc on the fish.


I think the cigarett smoke has more to do with the death of bar fish than anything else. Before kids, when I used to party, I felt like I smoked a pack of filterless Camels the next morning from being in a bar.


New Member
Wow!! thanks for all your advice. I still don't know what to do. The place where I can put that aquarium is in the entraintament room, but I do have that bose surround sound system. The aquarium is 150 gallon, the one I am looking at, and the glass is rather think, but stil don't want to stress the fish. Some friends had told me that they have such aquariums in bars, nighclubs.
I dunno what to do.:eek:


i would think.. use common sense, and your own personal experience. Don't blast ur system so loud, the decibal level causes "YOU" permanant ear problems - or by the time your 40, you will be deaf and unable to enjoy the Bose 22.0 surround environment system. Fish, like all creatures ADAPT! The adapt to a point in which they cannot - then they die. If your fish die - and you can trace it to nothing else - then keep your volume LOW for a period enough time to experiement. Then turn it up again, if they die - YES, the sound is killing them. So move the sound, the tank, or get out of the hobby. Well, or you can just keep kill'n fish if you want - lol - I wouldn't advise THAT - but it is an option. As said by others - they do in bars. (altho i agree it's more likely the cigarette smoke). It is said "stress kills fish - don't ever stress them." UH, Stress kills HUMANS too! But stress is a fact of life... it's how you deal with it and the amount you are constantly subjected to. Don't go crazy - start climbing 50ft into a tree to save the environment - only to fall out and kill yourself. God gave ya common sense - use it. Good luck bud.
PS: I have heard that Damsels can take higher decible levels than other fish. In fact they like both rap and rock played at VERY high volum levels. So be nice to ur fish - and let em rock! *evil grin, while rubbing hands devilishly* (inside joke re damsels) lol


Iv got a theatre in my living room and my 100 gallon reef. Its been up for about 2 years. Iv never had a problem.


Active Member
Yes . . . sound absolutely WILL do harm to your fish. I am a neurology major at U of M, and i can assure that sound will harm your fish. It falls along the same lines as tapping on a fish tank. It sends waves through the water which will activate your fish's lateral line sensory organs which leads to a flight response or a heightened sense of awarness. in other words, stress. your fish wont be able to tell the difference between your Bose and a predatory bigger fish. Eventually the constant flight state will deplete the immune system and lead to disease or death. This is especially problematic when the sound is not constant. When it is a constant 24/7 noise, the fish will eventually become accustomed to the noise and relax, but when its only sometimes, it will never get used to it. HTH


Yes I'm a newbie but I know a little about sound etc. Sound will not harm the fish but vibration will. A speaker moves air which is what we hear, that air movment is vibration, vibration travels. Honestly a Bose system will not produce that much low end bass (below 100hz), lower frequency(tipically)=more vibration (with the addtion of more power). High frequences travel farther and faster then lower frequeces, has to do with the sound wave. Placement of the Bassmodule (no its not a su
oofer) is another way you can control the amount of vibration in the room. Honestly just be sensible about the volume level at which you listen to your system, if you are that worried put the tank in another room.
As for the BOSE system being the best, that's a whole nother can of worms, which if there was an OT board we could talk about.
At least this is something I can shed some light on, most other things I just read to learn!


This is a good question... I've been keeping tanks of all kinds in my room for the last 4 years now. I have been playing my electric guitar in the same room for the longest of time. I've never had a fish die from the sound... And trust me, I can get LOUD sometimes, with my peavy 212. :D


We have a cerwin vega system that can vibrate our whole house. One of the 400 watt speakers sets right next to our 90 gal, and I've never noticed the fish to act scared or anything when we crank up the tunes. Haven't had one die either. Just don't turn it on with the volume full blast.



Originally posted by JustinX
Yes . . . sound absolutely WILL do harm to your fish. I am a neurology major at U of M, and i can assure that sound will harm your fish. It falls along the same lines as tapping on a fish tank. It sends waves through the water which will activate your fish's lateral line sensory organs which leads to a flight response or a heightened sense of awarness. in other words, stress. your fish wont be able to tell the difference between your Bose and a predatory bigger fish. Eventually the constant flight state will deplete the immune system and lead to disease or death. This is especially problematic when the sound is not constant. When it is a constant 24/7 noise, the fish will eventually become accustomed to the noise and relax, but when its only sometimes, it will never get used to it. HTH

Dr. X, can you provide a url to your published reports with empircal data to support your findings and conclusions? Since you have attached your creditials to bolster your position, can you provide us with what year of school you are in, and whether you have even PASSED the courses yet, along with studies on the subject that have been done in class? Any grant studies that provide additional support would be quite appreciated. I assume your minor is in aquatic anatomy as well? Seems your findings (opinions) are stated as quite factual - instead of opinionated.
STrange how there is such a huge difference between academic studies and theory and experimental fact. You say the fish will die. YET, several people below have had their fish survive fine under such environments as you describe. Not only have they survived, they don't even seem to be showing signs of stress.
How can this be?
I wonder if it's good if people live next to train tracks. What do you think the stress level on humans is for such intermittant, LOUD trains that roll by at various hours - even disrupting their sleep patterns?
Would you say the "stress" the fish experience by loud volume is more or less the amount of 'stress' the fish experiences due to salinity changes due to evaporation? To growing toxic levels of nitrates before water changes are done? To the confined environment they have being in an aquarium (even as fast as a 300 gal tank) compared to their natural environment? To the lack of a moon cycle to trigger their spawning and other natural habits? Maybe to the lack of really knowing.. their parents? GAWD, the "STRESS" these fish must endure. It's so CRUEL of us to even take them away from their environment at all and provide us with any of their beauty, life stimulation, and stress- reducing elements of our lifes.
I look forward to seeing your report on how these sound stress levels that kill fish compare to other such stresses. What decible and frequencies actually do more harm - and the expectant life span of fish forced to endure such stressful environments.
PS: As a neurological major at U of M - you wouldn't now the impact of color schemes on fish and if certain colors actually stress them out would you? We were thinking of redecorating using mauves and beiges - and I was concerned about the neurological impact on the fish.


Oh no Sgt. York!!! My wife bought a really ugly rug to go in the room with the tank. I hope my fish can handle it:D


There are many factors that will affect whether or not the fish will even perceive the noise from your stereo, which can explain the varied results seen in the previous replies.
The material the tank is made of, the dimensions of the tank, the proximity and orientation to the speaker, the acoustics of the room and the frequency of the sounds in the music you listen to will ALL affect how the vibrations are transmitted and dampened in the tank. Noise of any kind can cause stress on animals. This is why we played high volume Barry Manilow into the Noriega compound during the US assault in Panama! If the fish percieve the wrong noises it will stress them.
You will only find out if or when your fish become unhealthy or die.
If they do, turn your stereo down.


That's a whole different story there. If you plan on playing Barry Manilow loudly then you could expect all you fish and probably everyone else on the block to die (or wish they were dead);)