Aquarium Overload? Please Help!


I have a 150 gallon aquarium and I need to know if I can add more fish. Right now in my aquarium I have about 60+ lbs of live rock, 3 large blue ridge dried coral rock, 1 Fire Shrimp, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, approx. 70 Hermit Crabs, Approx 7 snails, 1 Three Strip Damsel abt. 1 in., 1 Yellow Tang abt. 3 in., 1 Pacific Blue Tang abt. 2 in., 1 Powder Blue Tang abt. 4 in., 1 Naso Tang abt. 7 in. Now I know there are a lot of tangs in the tank now and they get large, but thats it for tangs that I plan to add. The other fish I would like to add are : 1Royal Gramma, 2 Purple Fire Fish, 1 Niger Triger (Maybe), and 1 Mandarin Dragonet. I have but in 2 packs of pods which is approx 400. I hear alot about Sumps and Fuge's, All I have on that line is a wet dry filter w/ bio balls good for 125 gallons. Please let me know about the capacity of the tank, and if the Mandarin will be ok in there with the pods and live rock quanity. Thanks


I knew I was forgeting one other fish I am wanting to add. Its a Pretty good size one too the Emperor Angelfish... Can he be in there too?


Staff member
You're way over the limit with tangs and fish. And, I'd take out the 70 hermits too. They add nothing to a fish tank, but can become quite destructive.


So what I got in there right now is already too much? ANd don't the hermit crabs clean up left over food and etc.?


Hermit crabs help clean your tank. I'd personally leave them in.
That is a pretty big load of fish you want and already have. You need a lot more live rock IMO. What kind of protein skimmer are you running?


Hello. What does IMO stand for? Sorry I havnt caught on to all the lingo. I am not sure what type my protein skimmer is, It is a big square one approx. 12" in. x8". Creative Plastic Research is what a stamp on the back says. The inside of the Protein skimmer has blue curly material in it. lol I hope this helps.
Would I be able to keep the fish that I have in there now and just add a Mandarin Dragonet and an Emperor Angelfish and be done? Please let me know. Thanks


IMO and its variants are actually used pretty much everywhere online, not just here.
IMO = in my opinion
IMHO = in my humble/honest opinion
IMPO = in my personal opinion
IMDWO = in my dead wrong opinion (usually don't see this one)
...and so on.


Active Member
How long have you had this tank? And blue curly stuff..Is filter floss,I think thats waht your talking about....But you say it is INSIDE the protein skimmer???? Oh you have a CPR bakpak skimmer.
Personally I think the Emperor will be too much fish for what you already have in the tank. The Mandarin needs a lot of live rock to forage through for copepods. If you don't have a refugium where these copepods can multiply unmolested then eventually your Mandarin will starve. I guess continually dumping the pods in the tank will help if you are willing to do that. Is that a protein skimmer or a wet/dry filter you are talking about?


I was talking about my protein skimmer with the blue "filter foss", but now I have questions about my wet/dry filter. It is a 125 gallon wet/dry filter, and I am wondering if I could add a basket or something of that sort in there with some cheato for the pods?