Aquarium pharmaceuticals


What is everyone's experience with this kit?I bought a saltwater master kit with nitrate,nitrite amonia and ph.Is this kit reliable?I tested with it and liked it.My results were ph 8.4 nitrate 10-20,nitrite and amonia was 0.I have always used tetra,but new store in town has this kit and overall is cheaper to by then buying by each.

reef fool

Active Member
I started with that kit. When I began having troubles that couldn't be explained by parameter tests, I bought individual Salifert tests. Results were much different. IMO, individual tests are more reliable than the cheap all in one kits.

aqua blue

I have been using the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. It was the first test kit that I bought. The Nitrate, Nitrite and pH readings are pretty easy to read. The Ammonia color varies some with the way you hold it up to the light. I also test my freshly mixed water change water to get a good idea of what zero Ammonia is supposed to look like with this test kit. I also test the water from local fish stores that I have bought from. I may eventually try other test kits but not until I have used this one up. My readings are usually, pH 8.2<8.3, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5<20 usually right at 10.
:) :D :cool:

reef fool

Active Member
The main problem I found with that kit is there is alot of vigorous shaking for specified amounts of time, which if not done correctly, will give you inaccurate readings. especially the ammonia and nitrate tests. The Salifert ones are not as complex, they only require 10 - 30 seconds of light swirling. I messed around with them a little and the exact time of swirling is not as crucial with the Salifert tests. Same reading, give or take a few seconds. Accuracy is the key.
At one point, I got a reading of 10 ppm nitrates and the LFS guy tested them at 40+ ppm. It was then, when I switched to Salifert.


Thanks for your response.I like it it is easier to use then what i was using just want to make sure it is reliable but my nitrate was easier to read with this kit.

reef fool

Active Member
Yes, the reading was close to that of the Salifert at times. Too complicated in comparison. Especially on the important ones - ammonia and nitrate. Just my opinion


Active Member
Umm too complicated?
Add 8 drops of ammonia solution #1
Add 8 drops of ammonia solution #2
Put on cap
Shake 5 seconds
Results in 5 minutes...hold the tube against the color chart...done
Nitrate, 10 drops of bottle one...shake for 5 seconds. 10 drops of bottle 2, shake for 5 seconds. Results in 5 minutes.
I fail to see how this is complicated... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Anyway, I use this kit and it works fine.

reef fool

Active Member
Just re-read the instructions on the kit. It was the nitrate I was thinking about.
After 10 drops of #1
You must first shake bottle #2 vigorously for at least 30 seconds ,
"this step is very important to insure accuracy"
then add 10 drops of #2
Cap test tube
then shake vigorously for one minute
"this step is extremely important to insure accuracy"
As I said, alot of vigorous shaking to insure accuracy!
Sorry for the mis info on the ammonia test, much simpler than I had made it sound.
Still my opinion - Salifert is more accurate and reliable.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Back at ya Azonic


I just bought one of these.
I had a marine lab test kit from red sea and thought it was much better. More mixing of chemicals but better results.
The aquarium pharmaceuticals was easier and faster and cheaper (that's why I bought it) but the colors seemed cloudy. I still don't trust it.


Active Member
we use this master kit at the lfs i work at and have no problems whatsoever with the readings or results! congrats adn good luck, you are in a much better situation than those people who purchase a tank first and never a sw test kit!
good luck


So johnthfb is it your opinion that this kit is a pretty good kit to use.Just don't want to make mistakes and want a kit that i know when i test that my water quailit is good or as bad as results say.

dave flood

It has worked fine for me. I called the company they said to be safe shake bottles for 2 minutes and they last 3 years

reef fool

Active Member
You already have the kit so just be careful and you will be OK. the only part of the kit I continue to use is the PH test. Sorry again for the mis info on the ammonia.
Just learn from my dilemma - if there is something wrong in the tank, but tests seem to be all good. Take some water to the LFS and have them test it to compare results with a different kit. I guess this goes for any kit.
Good Luck.


Thanks guys for your help.When it comes to my tank i'm think i'm like the rest of you guys you want the best and do what is right to save problems later.