Aquarium Size

just putting somthing in, ur tank would look ALOT better if u had more LR imo... the more u put in, the more it fills up, and the more it looks better


Oh I know :) I had atleast 40lb in my old 50 gallon, and it looked great, wish I had more in fact. I only have 7lb of it now, just wanted to get something to help the tank cycle, and to provide hiding places for my 3 Cycling Damsels.
I plan to add atleast 15-20 more pounds. The only issue i have with adding so much rock in a small 20 gallon tank is that, I was planning to have quite a few fish, 3 or 4 if that wouldnt overcrowd it. The more rock I add, the less actual water volume I have for fish. So, I guess I have to decide whether I'd like to focus on reef inhabitants, or fish. I think what I really want is a little bit of both.
Thanks for the suggestion,


Hey all!
180 FO
100 Reef to be - cycling - just box of rocks! <smile>
29 Reef wannabe
20 Reef wannabe
10 Refugium wannabe (Former QT - I'm done stocking the
FO) It's empty until I get my confidence up to do start either a refugium or pod farm.
Can you believe this all started in September? eee! The FO is finished! I'm not finished with the two small reefs. I'm cycling the 100 gallon and I keep looking for the right wall to tear into... <smile>


Active Member
Hey 20gal...throw some broken glass...a couple beer cans, maybe a finger or toe...then you could make it look like long island sound. :)
It is a start... as long as your fish is a good start.