aquarium stocking


Active Member
aquarium stocking

hello i am getting ready to stock my 29 gallon Fowlr but i will be going to reef. the fish i have picked are
1 Firefish Goby
1 Flame Angel
2 Percula Clowns
I want 1 humu humu trigger but need to know if compatible
do you see any problems within the fish stock?
The cleaning crew i want is
5 dwarf blue leg hermits
3 electric orange hermits
3 scarlet hermits
2 cleaner shrimp
2 emerald crabs
2 mexican turbo snails
do you see any things that might not go togeater in my list?
any feed back is greatly apperciated


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
what about everything else?
im not an expert at all, but besides the humu humu it looks okay. IMO, margarita snails are better than turbo...ive heard that turbo snails knock over rocks.


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
really? i will get margerita then lol cool name too
I have both types of snails and I prefer the turbos. Margaritas usually cant flip themselfs over if they fall in the sand, then thy become dinner for some hermits. Turbos jerk their body around until they can grab on to something. They're also a lot faster.