

New Member
Hi there! getting back into the hobby, making sure I take my time and get what I want. Completed building my stand, plumbing and setting up the tank little by little. Looking forward in learning new things from this forum! Don't mine the sheep hanging from the ceiling, taking that off ASAP!
fish tank.jpg


Staff member
You'd have to tell us what you had in mind for your tank. Fish-only, fish and live rock, or all out reef? Size of tank and what filters you have so far?


New Member
The tank is 85g, sump, Aqua C Remora skimmer. The lights are made by Hamilton 14000k 250W. Going with FOWLR as of now. Maybe add a few corals down the road once my tank gets established .
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Staff member
How big is your sump? I'm assuming the remora is in there? Setting up a macro refugium would be a very good idea. Are you going to go with sand substrate or bare?


New Member
sump is 36 x 12 and yes the skimmer will be inside the sump. Sand in the Aquarium, the sump will have the Eheim Substrate pro.