aquaroium question


I am geting a 180-250 gallon aquarium but i was wonderin if the weight of the aquarium wont callapse the floor.
Thank you


Active Member
Tanks that big can weigh 2000 pounds fully stocked. This can certainly collapse some floors. Usually these are meant for basements or over an area with special support.


well iwould you be able to tell me the max size that i would be able to be keept on the main floor withought collapsing the floor.
Thank you


Try long tanks... the longer it is, the better for the fish and for the floor. The weight will distribute through the floor and for your fish, there is better gas exchange and more room to swim.
I recomend a tank of 125gls long or less in size.


if there is a load-bearing wall under the place you want to place your tank you'll be fine. if not, you can reinforce your floor. it's a complicated process if you have to do this (rip up floor, install new floor joists or add more, then replace subfloor, flooring and then set up your tank.
it's an even bigger pain if your s/o decides that your tank would look better someplace else to help your feng-shui... spelling error on the shway... damn japanese!!! yeah, so there are your options.