Aquascaping the 90...Changes are coming


Pic 1 is the before
pic2 is the after (I have 37 lbs more base rock coming)
Suggestions or comments are welcome...i'm trying to decide if I want to do some type of arch or just make towers with caves and overhangs.



IMO you need to add some color. Some green, orange, red, etc. colored corals would be nice. Some swaying corals would be nice.
I think I prefer the :before" rock placement better also. But its YOUR aquarium and it should please you first and foremost.


Yeah, I badly need some color....I'm trying to get the rock where it looks the best before I add any more corals. The camera I have doesn't show any color either so the pics look pretty bland.
I would have never expected that people would have liked rocks just piled against the back glass. I ordered more rock so I would have some more options, hopefully it will be here saturday or monday at the latest.
I will post pictures of the rock when it gets here.