

Is it ok to add live rock to a tank over extended periods of time and change the appearence of the tank? Also i have a brita water filter that i use when adding water to the tank, is it ok to use that? Does it help?


Active Member
The Britta is junk for what you can run carbon through your filter and get the same results...
There is no substitute for RO/DI water. The DI being a very important stage in the removal of negative and positive ions with resins...


Just make sure the live rock is cured first before placing it in your display tank or you'll may get an ammonia spike, causing stress to your tank inhabitants. Happy aquascaping :)


Well-Known Member
The britta does little or nothing. Additionally, tanks do not need processed water.
Adding new live rock also adds the possibility of introducing parasites and other bad stuff. Better to set up the system and allow it to run fishless to allow fish born parasites (ICH) to die off.
If you want you can always rearrange the decorations later. I am just worried about adding new to an established system


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
The britta does little or nothing. Additionally, tanks do not need processed water.

Are you now advocating tap water? :(
In many, many areas, tap water is simply not good enough to use for a tank. There are additives and minerals in the water that can definitely prove harmful. If you do a search through posts on this board, you will find that many problems people have had were traced back to the water they used, namely tap.
RO water is the best way to go, IMO. DI is an added step that I have not personally used, but definitely at least RO.
And most LFS' cure LR away from fish, so there should be no parasite introduction. Cured LR is OK to add to an established system.


There are several store chains ( some walmarts, etc) that sell 5 gallon containers of distilled water that is ok to use rather than a brita filtered water. It is usually inexpensive but a good RO/Di setup should be considered for the long term if you plan to stay in the aquarium biz!


Active Member
That guy continuously advocates the usage of tap water changes, etc.
An appropriate disclaimer for him would be..."I do not use conventional methods, so therefore follow my advice at your own risk..."
Beaslebob...why are you telling this person to not used filtered water? What if they live in an area with very high pollutants and they killed everything? Have you ever been to Tucson Bob? What about the little township right outside of the West Gate at McChord AFB, Wa?
Bob, there is water out there not fit for human consuption. Ever tried to mix non-dairy creamer in a cup of coffee made from the water in Terra Grande, AZ?
You are assuming a very irresponsible role with your continued lack of concern for the potential outcome of your advice...


Ok usually I ignore Bob's comments and let someone else say something, but what dreeves said is true, my tap water ws tested it contains e-coli among other things. If I were to make a pot of coffee w/ it I would have to skim the top of it for an oily film. My water is not fit to bathe in let alone sustain life in. I belive having a ro/di is a must of you need to buy distilled water. Sid, we had a brita, before I was in this hobby and had the water tested again, there was still trace elements of crap in it. You will be happier in the long run if you invest in a RO/DI soon.


Active Member
Tucson, AZ lost 7 major city wells due to chemicals leeching...
Little township outside of McChord AFB has their water supplied to them from the base drinking system due to severe chemical and bio leeching the water supply...
Tierra Grande...water supply is toast due to many many years of chemicals being pumped into the ground during the cotton field days...the non-dairy creamer will not mix with the water and chunk up...milk or cream simply curdles...
Taegu AB, ROK...2, 100,000 gallon, underground aviation fuel cells left by Japan at the end of 1986 while stationed would see hand prints in your towell after a couldnt see the bottom of the washing machine...and the water had a petro taste to it...
Water testing in our country is piss poor at best...this is common knowledge...
If anyone here doesnt have at least an RO unit for their own drinking water...they are living on the edge...
mercury, gardia cysts, e-coli, heavy metals, on and on...


Active Member
Ever hear of Tetrocholoralethylene (sp?)?
Up until recent year (I think past 10)...this chemical was discharged in every city, town etc in our country...vapor of it blown out into the open air...
USDOT classifies it a Marine Pollutant and Stow Away From Food Stuffs...A marine pollutant kills most aquatic life instantly...this chemical also causes cancer in lab rats...
What is it? Dry cleaning fluid...Do your water companies test for this? I wouldnt think so...


Active Member
hey sid - be sure to make small changes or used rock you have cured yourself. buying cured rock from an LFS does not mean it is always cured. a local guy bought some cured rock and it was freshly shipped - looked good - then ammonia spiked two days later.
Oh - also - Ignore beaslbob's advice